SEO Rankings

Full Url:
Site Title: cafe lift
Description: cafe lift
Categories: Restaurants, Restaurant and Dining

Site SEO Rankings
Moz Rank: 3.7
MozRank is developed by SEOmoz similar to Google Pagerank and scaled 10-point measurement.
Moz DA: 35
Moz Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages. Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to greater likelihood of ranking.
Moz PA: 35
Moz Page Authority (PA) is Page Authority (PA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a specific page will rank on search engine result pages (SERP). Page Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank.
MOZ External Links: 1,056
Number of external equity links to the URL.
Semrush Rank: 146,299
Semrush Rank is a proprietary score that lets you find the domains that are getting the most traffic from organic search.
Semrush Keywords : 276
Number of keywords where site in Google's organic search top 100.
Semrush Traffic: 11,032
Number of users expected to visit the website during the following month.
SemRush Costs: 6
Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords.
Facebook Comments: 2,102
Number of comments that related to URL on Facebook.
Facebook Shares: 2,102
How many times page was shared on Facebook.
Facebook Reactions: 101
Number of reactions that related to URL on Facebook.
Est. Website Worth: $ 6,900
Estimated website worth potentially if earned by advertisement.

Last updated at 8/11/2023 5:32:56 PM
SEMrush and Moz are SEO tools that help perform competitive analysis, keyword research, and overall search engine optimization. They have their own ranking systems and are widely used.