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Í er upplýsinga- og þjónustuveita opinberra aðila á Íslandi. Þar getur fólk og fyrirtæki fengið upplýsingar og notið margvíslegrar þjónustu hjá opinberum aðilum á einum stað í gegnum eina gátt.
National statistical service of Iceland. Statistics Iceland (Icelandic: Hagstofa Íslands) is the main official institute providing statistics on the nation of Iceland. It was created by the Althing in 1913, began operations in 1914 and became an independent government agency under the Prime Minister's Office on 1 January 2008.
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Topics: færð á vegum, island, íslykill, þjóðskrá, vinnumálastofnun

Moz DA: 58 Moz Rank: 5 Semrush Rank: 667,730 Facebook ♡: 54 Reviews

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Forsíða - Vísir
Á Vísi er hægt að lesa fréttir, skoða brot úr dagskrá Stöðvar 2, Bylgjunnar, FM957 og X977. Fréttir, sjónvarp, útvarp, fasteignir, atvinna, ...
Icelandic online newspaper. Ví is an Icelandic online newspaper. It was founded in 1998 by Frjáls fjölmiðlun ehf. And originally published news from the newspapers Dagblaðið Vísir, Viðskiptablaðið and Dagur. On 1 December 2017 it was bought by Fjarskipti hf. along with Stöð 2 and Bylgjan from 365 miðlar.According to Gallup, it was the second-most popular website in Iceland as of February 2021.

Moz DA: 68 Moz Rank: 5.4 Semrush Rank: 315,192 Facebook ♡: 10,247
Categories: Portal Sites, News and Media
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Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. Isbister Lake is a lake in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It is located in the east-central part of the province along the course of Midnight Creek in the Porcupine Hills and Porcupine Provincial Forest. The lake is in the Woody River Block of Porcupine Hills Provincial Park. Highway 980 provides access to the southern shore of the lake and its amenities. Isbister Lake is situated in boreal forest surrounded by hills, other small lakes, and muskeg.The lake was named in memory of Rifleman Archie Isbister of the Regina Rifle Regiment who died on 6 June 1944 fighting in World War II. Since 1947 Saskatchewan has been naming lakes after fallen soldiers and there are now more than 4,000 such lakes in the province.

Moz DA: 19 Moz Rank: 4.2 Semrush Rank: 10,568,950 Facebook ♡: 29
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Forsíða Veðurstofu Íslands | Veðurstofa Íslands
Forsíða Veðurstofu Íslands | Veðurstofa Íslands
. Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO; Icelandic: Veðurstofa Íslands) is Iceland's national weather service and as such a government agency under the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. It is also active in volcano monitoring, esp.

Moz DA: 70 Moz Rank: 5.4 Semrush Rank: 153,550 Facebook ♡: 974
Categories: Public Information, News and Media
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Heim | Þjðskrá
Þjóðskrá annast skráningu einstaklinga og sér um daglegan rekstur og vinnslu þjóðskrár. Stofnunin gefur út vegabréf, nafnskírteini og ýmis vottorð.
. Registers Iceland (Icelandic: Þjóðskrá Íslands) is the main official civil registry for the nation of Iceland. It was formed in 2010 with the merger of Þjóðskrá and Fasteignaskrá Íslands.

Facebook ♡: 79
Categories: Business, Business
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Stjrnarráðið | Forsíða
Vefur Stjórnarráðs Íslands. Upplýsingar um ráðuneyti og verkefni þeirra auk frétta. Einnig upplýsingar um ríkisstjórn og fleira sem snertir Stjórnarráðið.

Semrush Rank: 738,811
Categories: Government/Military, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Home - Fjölmenningarsetur
Website of the Multicultural Information Centre. Here you find information about everyday life and administration in Iceland. We provide support regarding moving to and from Iceland.
Scottish footballer, manager, and pundit. Alistair Murdoch McCoist, (; born 24 September 1962) is a Scottish former footballer who has since worked as a manager and TV pundit. McCoist began his playing career with Scottish club St Johnstone before moving to English side Sunderland in 1981. He returned to Scotland two years later and signed with Rangers. McCoist had a highly successful spell with Rangers, becoming the club's record goalscorer and winning nine successive league championships between 1988–89 and 1996–97. He later played for Kilmarnock.

Moz DA: 39 Moz Rank: 3.7 Semrush Rank: 9,001,009 Facebook ♡: 16
Categories: Public Information, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Vefur Alþingis: Upplýsingar um þingmál, þingskjöl, þingmenn, nefndir, alþjóðamál og almennar upplýsingar um sögu og störf Alþingis. Einnig beinar útsendingar og upptökur frá þingfundum.
Supreme legislature of Iceland. The Alþingi (general meeting in Icelandic, [ˈalˌθiɲcɪ], anglicised as Althingi or Althing) is the supreme national parliament of Iceland. It is one of the oldest surviving parliaments in the world. The Althing was founded in 930 at Þingvellir ("thing fields" or "assembly fields"), situated approximately 45 kilometres (28 mi) east of what later became the country's capital, Reykjavík. Even after Iceland's union with Norway in 1262, the Althing still held its sessions at Þingvellir until 1800, when it was discontinued. It was restored in 1844 by royal decree and moved to Reykjavík.

Facebook ♡: 319
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Velkomin á vefsvæði sýslumanna. Hjá sýslumönnum nálgast þú ýmsa þjónustu ríkisins, ýmist rafrænt eða með komu á eina af mörgum skrifstofum sýslumanna víða um land. Sýslumenn annast umsóknir um vegabréf og ökuskírteini, innheimta skatta og önnur gjöld, sinna fjölskyldumálum og almannatryggingum og ýmsum opinberum skráningum svo sem þinglýsingum og fleiru.

Moz DA: 38 Moz Rank: 3.6
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Í er upplýsinga- og þjónustuveita opinberra aðila á Íslandi. Þar getur fólk og fyrirtæki fengið upplýsingar og notið margvíslegrar þjónustu hjá opinberum aðilum á einum stað í gegnum eina gátt.

Moz DA: 38 Moz Rank: 3.7 Semrush Rank: 4,253,142
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Forsíða — Á
Áttavitinn er upplýsingagátt miðuð að ungu fólki á aldrinum 16-25 ára. Á síðunni má finna hagnýtan fróðleik sem viðkemur hinum ýmsu sviðum lífsins.

Semrush Rank: 1,301,145 Facebook ♡: 637
Categories: Public Information, Society and Lifestyles
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Samgöngustofa fer með stjórnsýslu samgöngumála og annast eftirlit er varðar flug, siglingar, umferð og öryggiseftirlit með samgöngumannvirkjum og leiðsögu.

Semrush Rank: 595,987
Categories: Government/Military, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld
Skatturinn annast álagningu skatta, tolla og annarra gjalda auk þess að viðhafa eftirlit með réttmæti skattskila. Jafnframt starfrækir stofnunin sérstaka einingu sem fer með rannsóknir skattsvika og annarra skattalagabrota.
. Rappal Sangameswaran Krishnan (23 September 1911 – 2 October 1999) was an Indian experimental physicist and scientist. He was the Head of the department of Physics at the Indian Institute of Science and the vice chancellor of the University of Kerala. He is known for his pioneering researches on colloid optics and a discovery which is now known as Krishnan Effect. He was a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy and the Institute of Physics, London and a recipient of the C. V. Raman Prize. 25 students were guided by RSKrishnan for Ph D. Dr T N Vasudevan was the 25th.

Facebook ♡: 52
Categories: Public Information, Business
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Alşýðusamband Íslands
Alþýðusamband Íslands er stærsta fjöldahreyfing launafólks á landinu. ASÍ er samband 46 stéttarfélaga á almennum vinnumarkaði.
Genus of reptiles (fossil). Asilisaurus ( ah-SEE-lee-SOR-əs); from Swahili, asili ("ancestor" or "foundation"), and Greek, σαυρος (sauros, "lizard") is an extinct genus of silesaurid archosaur. The type species is Asilisaurus kongwe. Asilisaurus fossils were uncovered in the Manda Beds of Tanzania and date back to the early Carnian, making it one of the oldest known members of the Avemetatarsalia (animals on the dinosaur/pterosaur side of the archosaurian family tree). It was the first non-dinosaurian dinosauriform recovered from Africa. The discovery of Asilisaurus has provided evidence for a rapid diversification of avemetatarsalians during the Middle Triassic, with the diversification of archosaurs during this time previously only documented in pseudosuchians (crocodylian-line archosaurs).Asilisaurus is known from a relatively large amount of fossils compared to most non-dinosaur dinosauromorphs.

Facebook ♡: 90
Categories: Public Information, News and Media
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Tryggingastofnun ríkisins
TR heyrir undir félagsmálaráðuneytið og er ein stærsta þjónustustofnun landsins. Stofnunin setur ekki lög eða reglugerðir og ákvarðar ekki fjárhæðir bóta.
South Atlantic island group. Tristan da Cunha (), colloquially Tristan, is a remote group of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, lying approximately 2,787 kilometres (1,732 mi) from Cape Town in South Africa, 2,437 kilometres (1,514 mi) from Saint Helena, 3,949 kilometres (2,454 mi) from Mar del Plata in South America and 4,002 kilometres (2,487 mi) from the Falkland Islands.The territory consists of the inhabited island, Tristan da Cunha, which has a diameter of roughly 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) and an area of 98 square kilometres (38 sq mi); the wildlife reserves of Gough Island and Inaccessible Island; and the smaller, uninhabited Nightingale Islands. As of October 2018, the main island has 250 permanent inhabitants, who all carry British Overseas Territories citizenship. The other islands are uninhabited, except for the South African personnel of a weather station on Gough Island. Tristan da Cunha is a British Overseas Territory with its own constitution.

Moz DA: 35 Moz Rank: 3.9 Semrush Rank: 4,672,740 Facebook ♡: 51
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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VR stéttarfélag - VR stéttarfélag
VR stéttarfélag
Ancient Indian legendary heroes. The Vrishni heroes (IAST: Vṛṣṇi Viras), also referred to as Pancha-viras (IAST: Pañca vīras, "Five heroes"), are a group of five legendary, deified heroes who are found in the literature and archaeological sites of ancient India. Their earliest worship is attestable in the clan of the Vrishnis near Mathura by 4th-century BCE. Legends are associated with these deified heroes, some of which may be based on real, historical heroes of the Vrishni clan. Their early worship has been variously described as cross-sectarian, much like the cult of the Yakshas, related to the early Bhagavata tradition of Hinduism, and with possible links to Jainism as well. They and their legends – particularly of Krishna and Balarama – have been an important part of the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism.The Vrishnis were already known in the late Vedic literature. They are also mentioned by Pāṇini in Astadhyayi verse 6.2.34, while Krishna is referred to as Krishna Varshneya ("the Vrishni") in verse 3.187.51 of the Mahabharata.

Moz DA: 34 Moz Rank: 3.8 Semrush Rank: 9,886,275 Facebook ♡: 87
Categories: Business, General Organizations
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Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld
Skatturinn annast álagningu skatta, tolla og annarra gjalda auk þess að viðhafa eftirlit með réttmæti skattskila. Jafnframt starfrækir stofnunin sérstaka einingu sem fer með rannsóknir skattsvika og annarra skattalagabrota.
. The Directorate of Customs (Icelandic: Tollstjóri) is the national customs service of Iceland. The Directorate of Customs is the law enforcement agency, which is in charge of not only the collection of customs duties, but also the detection of smuggling and confiscation of counterfeit items entering Iceland.

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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BHM stendur vörð um mikilvægi hugvits, sérfræðikunnáttu og menntunar - BHM
BHM er bandalag stéttarfélaga háskólamenntaðs fólks á íslenskum vinnumarkaði. Bandalagið styður við aðildarfélögin, annast rekstur og umsýslu sameiginlegra sjóða og gætir hagsmuna félagsmanna gagnvart Alþingi og stjórnvöldum.

Moz DA: 30 Moz Rank: 3.5 Semrush Rank: 10,726,044 Facebook ♡: 8
Categories: Business, General Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Forsíða | Vinnumálastofnun
Forsíða | Vinnumálastofnun

Moz DA: 37 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 6,390,258 Facebook ♡: 21
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Okkar markmið er að gera líf viðskiptavina okkar einfaldara með aðgengilegri þjónustu og góðri ráðgjöf.

Moz DA: 49 Moz Rank: 4.4 Semrush Rank: 871,919 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Lögreglan | Lögregluvefurinn

Moz DA: 45 Moz Rank: 4.2 Semrush Rank: 998,640
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Forsíða | Reykjavik
Forsíða | Reykjavik
Capital and largest city of Iceland. Reykjavík ( RAYK-yə-vik, -⁠veek; Icelandic: [ˈreiːcaˌviːk] (listen)) is the capital and largest city of Iceland. It is located in southwestern Iceland, on the southern shore of Faxaflói bay. Its latitude is 64°08' N, making it the world's northernmost capital of a sovereign state. Reykjavík has a population of around 137,618 as of 2023 (and 233,034 in the Capital Region). Reykjavík had a population of 121,822 in 2015, meaning the population grows 1.62% annually.

Moz DA: 58 Moz Rank: 5.1 Semrush Rank: 415,553 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Sjúkratryggingar greiða hluta af kostnaði eða allan kostnað þeirra sem eru sjúkratryggðir vegna heilbrigðisþjónustu. Markmið laga um sjúkratryggingar er að tryggja aðstoð til verndar heilbrigði og jafnan aðgang að heilbrigðisþjónustu óháð efnahag.

Moz DA: 31 Moz Rank: 4 Facebook ♡: 42
Categories: Finance/Banking, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Neytendasamtökin Frjáls félagasamtök
Neytendasamtökin Frjáls félagasamtök

Semrush Rank: 8,284,635 Facebook ♡: 1,261
Categories: Public Information, General Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
RÚV | Forsíða
RÚV okkar allra
Icelandic public broadcaster. Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) (pronounced [ˈriːcɪsˌuːtvar̥pɪð] or [ˈruːv]) (English: 'The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service') is Iceland's national public-service broadcasting organization. Operating from studios in the country's capital, Reykjavík, as well as regional centres around the country, the service broadcasts an assortment of general programming to a wide national audience via three radio stations: Rás 1 and Rás 2, also available internationally; Rondó (only available via the Internet and digital radio); and one full-time television channel of the same name. There is also a supplementary, part-time TV channel, RÚV 2, which transmits live coverage of major cultural and sporting events, both domestic and foreign, as required.

Semrush Rank: 253,490 Facebook ♡: 14,021
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Góð þjónusta breytir öllu
Hvort sem það er rafrænt eða í persónu munum við ávallt setja viðskiptavini okkar í fyrsta sæti. Vertu velkomin í viðskipti.

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Stofnuð árið 2023 af Stundinni og Kjarnanum

Facebook ♡: 1,686
Categories: Business, Information Technology
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Félag íslenskra bifreiðaeigenda
Félag íslenskra bifreiðaeigenda

Moz DA: 34 Moz Rank: 3.4 Semrush Rank: 8,047,108 Facebook ♡: 235
Categories: Travel, Personal Vehicles
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Lífeyrismá er lifandi vefur um lífeyrismál í víðum skilningi; aðgengilegar upplýsingar, fréttir og áhugaverðar greinar eða viðtöl við fólk í leik og st

Semrush Rank: 4,545,379 Facebook ♡: 1,242
Categories: Finance/Banking, Information Technology
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Government of Iceland | Government of Iceland
Information from the Government Offices of Iceland.
The ministers of the Icelandic Government and their ministries comprise Government Offices.
American hardcore punk band. Government Issue was an American hardcore punk band from Washington, D.C. active from 1980 to 1989. The band experienced many changes in membership during its nine-year existence, with singer John Stabb as the only consistent member in an ever-fluctuating lineup that at various times included notable musicians Brian Baker, Mike Fellows, Steve Hansgen, J. Robbins, and Peter Moffett. Government Issue originated from the Washington, D.C. hardcore scene but added elements of heavy metal, new wave, and psychedelic rock on later records. Though this has caused the band to be sometimes overlooked in relation to other Washington, D.C. hardcore acts, their stylistic diversity made them influential to later punk rock groups. Government Issue performed occasional reunion shows in the 2000s and 2010s with various lineups, until Stabb's death from stomach cancer in 2016.

Moz DA: 63 Moz Rank: 5 Semrush Rank: 84,260 Facebook ♡: 18
Categories: Government/Military, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           

Moz DA: 37 Moz Rank: 3.3 Semrush Rank: 12,413,320 Facebook ♡: 11
Categories: Society/Government, Reference/Education, Regional/Europe, Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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PwC Ísland: Forsíða
PwC á Íslandi er framsækið og traust fyrirtæki á sviði endurskoðunar, reikningsskila, fyrirtækjaráðgjafar, skatta- og lögfræðiráðgjafar.
Topics referred to by the same term. PWC may refer to:

Categories: Business, Business
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Forsíða - Umboðsmaður Alşingis
Umboðsmaður Alþingis

Facebook ♡: 3
Categories: News and Media
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Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga
Sambandið vinnur að eflingu samstarfs íslenskra sveitarfélaga og að hvers konar hagsmunamálum þeirra. Verulegur hluti starfseminnar felst í hagsmunagæslu fyrir sveitarfélögin gagnvart ríkisvaldinu og öðrum innlendum og erlendum aðilum.
. Federation of Icelandic Cooperative Societies (Icelandic: Samband íslenskra samvinnufélaga) (SIS) was an Icelandic coordinator in Icelandic cooperatives. It was established on 20 February 1902 by three local cooperatives in Þingey County, but evolved into a national forum for cooperation in the field of exports and imports and to achieve favorable contracts abroad. In 1917, the institution moved its headquarters from Akureyri to Reykjavik and became "one of the largest commercial enterprises in Iceland". Its ship department was founded in 1946 and saw competition with Eimskip. After falling into financial hardships in the 1980s, it was closed in 1992, due to the debt with its creditors.

Facebook ♡: 26
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Nýjar og notaðar vörur, kauptu og seldu á Bland
Bland er stærsta sölu- og markaðstorg Íslands á netinu og hefur verið það um árabil. Hægt er að kaupa og selja allt milli himins og jarðar á sölutorgi Blands. Á er líka umræðuvefur sem er bæði stór og líflegur. Þar má líka finna stærsta heimsíðusvæði Íslands fyrir börn (Barnaland) , dýr (Dýraland) og sölusíður.
City in Missouri, United States. Bland is a city in Gasconade and Osage counties in the U.S. state of Missouri. The population was 506 at the 2020 census.The Osage County portion of Bland is part of the Jefferson City, Missouri Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Moz DA: 35 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 1,036,327 Facebook ♡: 2,872
Categories: Auctions/Classifieds, Society and Lifestyles
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Persnuvernd - Þínar upplýsingar, şitt einkalíf.
Persónuvernd hefur eftirlit með því að farið sé að lögum og öðrum reglum um vinnslu persónuupplýsinga og að bætt sé úr annmörkum og mistökum.

Moz DA: 39 Moz Rank: 3.9 Semrush Rank: 5,306,977 Facebook ♡: 4
Categories: Business, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Kennarasamband Íslands
Vefsíða Kennarasambands Íslands

Moz DA: 35 Moz Rank: 3.5 Semrush Rank: 10,570,618 Facebook ♡: 224
Categories: Non-Profit/Advocacy/NGO, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Íbúðalánasjður | Íbúðalánasjður
Íbúðalánasjóður er sjálfstæð stofnun í eigu ríkisins sem veitir einstaklingum, sveitarfélögum, félögum og félagasamtökum húsnæðislán til íbúðarkaupa og byggingarframkvæmda.

Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Arion banki - Þægileg alhliða bankaşjnusta fyrir fyrirtæki og einstaklinga
Arion banki er fjárhagslega sterkur banki sem veitir alhliða bankaþjónustu til fyrirtækja og einstaklinga. Fáðu á einfaldan hátt tilboð í þín bankaviðskipti

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           

Invest in Iceland

Invest in Iceland offers services for investors looking for foreign direct investment business opportunities in Iceland as well as Scandinavia
. Investissement Québec is a company established in 1998 under an act passed by the National Assembly of Quebec to favour investment in Quebec by Quebec-based and international companies. Its registered office is located in Quebec City. In December 2010 it took over the Société générale de financement.Investissement Québec initially held a 19% stake in the Airbus A220 (formerly Bombardier CSeries) programme. This was increased to 25% in February 2020, at no cash cost to Investissement Québec, as part of a deal that saw Bombardier sell its share to Airbus.

Facebook ♡: 9
Categories: Public Information, Business
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TM Tryggingar | TM | Hugsum í framtíð
Hjá rafrænum ráðgjafa TM getur þú séð verð fyrir þínar tryggingar og gengið frá kaupum hvar og hvenær sem þér hentar.
Song by Mudhoney. "Touch Me I'm Sick" is a song by the American alternative rock band Mudhoney. It was recorded in April 1988 at Seattle's Reciprocal Recording studio with producer Jack Endino. "Touch Me I'm Sick" was released as Mudhoney's debut single by independent record label Sub Pop on August 1, 1988. The song's lyrics, which feature dark humor, are a sarcastic take on issues such as disease and violent sex. When it was first released, "Touch Me I'm Sick" was a hit on college radio.

Moz DA: 27 Moz Rank: 3.6 Semrush Rank: 8,774,990 Facebook ♡: 48
Categories: Finance/Banking, Entertainment
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Lífeyrissjður verzlunarmanna
Eigðu góð efri ár með Lífeyrissjóði verzlunarmanna.
Song by Austrian rock band Opus. "Live Is Life" is a 1984 song by Austrian pop rock band Opus. It was released as the first single from their first live album, Live Is Life (1984), and was also included on the US version of their fourth studio album, Up and Down (1984). The song was a European number-one hit in the summer of 1985, and also reached number one in Canada and the top 40 in the US in 1986. It has been covered by many artists.

Semrush Rank: 9,361,438 Facebook ♡: 16
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Political party in Iceland. The Left-Green Movement (Icelandic: Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð), officially the Left Movement – Green Candidature and also known by its short-form name Vinstri græn (VG), is an eco-socialist political party in Iceland.The Left-Green Movement is the third largest party in the Althing, with 8 members of 63 in total after the 2021 Icelandic parliamentary election. It is also the leading party in a three-party coalition government that has governed since the 2017 Icelandic parliamentary election. The party chair is Katrín Jakobsdóttir, a member of Parliament and the 28th prime minister of Iceland since 30 November 2017. The vice chairperson is Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson while the secretary-general of the party is Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir. The Left-Green Movement is a member of the Nordic Green Left Alliance.

Moz DA: 43 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 3,400,609 Facebook ♡: 42
Categories: Portal Sites, Finance and Banking
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Umboðsmaður barna
Yfirlit yfir fjölda barna sem bíða eftir margvíslegri þjónustu  Lestu meira

Moz DA: 30 Moz Rank: 3.5 Semrush Rank: 37,163,613 Facebook ♡: 8
Categories: Public Information, Society and Lifestyles
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LSR er stéttarfélagstengdur lífeyrissjóður sem tryggir sjóðfélögum sínum víðtæk réttindi við starfslok, örorku og fráfall. LSR sér einnig um LH og ESÚÍ.
Topics referred to by the same term. LSR may refer to:

Categories: Finance/Banking, Business
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Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða
Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða
National statistical service of Iceland. Statistics Iceland (Icelandic: Hagstofa Íslands) is the main official institute providing statistics on the nation of Iceland. It was created by the Althing in 1913, began operations in 1914 and became an independent government agency under the Prime Minister's Office on 1 January 2008.

Semrush Rank: 1,703,517 Facebook ♡: 27
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Notendur senda spurningar, vísindamenn svara. Hefur þig ekki alltaf langað að vita hvers vegna himinninn ER blár?
Public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland. The University of Iceland (Icelandic: Háskóli Íslands [ˈhauːˌskouːlɪ ˈistlan(t)s]) is a public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland and the country's oldest and largest institution of higher education. Founded in 1911, it has grown steadily from a small civil servants' school to a modern comprehensive university, providing instruction for about 14,000 students in twenty-five faculties. Teaching and research is conducted in social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, natural sciences, engineering and teacher education. It has a campus concentrated around Suðurgata street in central Reykjavík, with additional facilities located in nearby areas as well as in the countryside.

Moz DA: 45 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 2,507,110
Categories: Education/Reference, Education
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Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands
Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands
Topics referred to by the same term. FME may refer to:

Moz DA: 37 Moz Rank: 3.6 Semrush Rank: 5,835,893 Facebook ♡: 13
Categories: Finance/Banking, Government and Legal Organizations
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Forsíða - Almenni Lífeyrissjðurinn
Almenni lífeyrissjóðurinn er öllum opinn en er jafnframt starfsgreinasjóður arkitekta, leiðsögumanna, lækna, hljómlistarmanna og tæknifræðinga.

Moz DA: 27 Moz Rank: 3 Semrush Rank: 20,873,769 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Embætti landlæknis
Hlutverk embættis landlæknis er að stuðla að heilbrigði landsmanna, meðal annars með góðri og öruggri heilbrigðisþjónustu, heilsueflingu og öflugum forvörnum.

Moz DA: 54 Moz Rank: 4.4 Semrush Rank: 32,668,501 Facebook ♡: 35
Categories: Public Information, Health and Wellness
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DV - Frjáls og háður miðill
Frjáls og óháður miðill

Semrush Rank: 2,592,305
Categories: Entertainment, News and Media
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Tryggingar og góð þjónusta · Þar sem tryggingar snúast um fólk · VÍS
VÍS býður upp á fjölbreyttar tryggingar og góða þjónustu fyrir einstaklinga og fyrirtæki. Fáðu tilboð í tryggingar.
One of the most popular schools of the Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy. Vishishtadvaita (IAST Viśiṣṭādvaita; Sanskrit: विशिष्टाद्वैत), is a highly regarded school of Hindu philosophy belonging to the Vedanta tradition. Vedanta refers to the profound interpretation of the Vedas based on Prasthanatrayi. Vishishta Advaita, meaning "non-duality with distinctions", is a non-dualistic philosophy that recognizes Brahman as the supreme reality while also acknowledging its multiplicity. This philosophy can be characterized as a form of qualified monism, attributive monism, or qualified non-dualism. It upholds the belief that all diversity ultimately stems from a fundamental underlying unity.

Facebook ♡: 10
Categories: Finance/Banking, Business
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Fljótlegasta leiðin til að tengjast fólki og fyrirtækjum á Íslandi.
American singer (1943–1970). Janis Lyn Joplin (January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970) was an American singer. One of the most successful and widely known rock stars of her era, she was noted for her powerful mezzo-soprano vocals and "electric" stage presence.In 1967, Joplin rose to fame following an appearance at Monterey Pop Festival, where she was the lead singer of the then little-known San Francisco psychedelic rock band Big Brother and the Holding Company. After releasing two albums with the band, she left Big Brother to continue as a solo artist with her own backing groups, first the Kozmic Blues Band and then the Full Tilt Boogie Band. She appeared at the Woodstock festival and on the Festival Express train tour. Five singles by Joplin reached the Billboard Hot 100, including a cover of the Kris Kristofferson song "Me and Bobby McGee", which reached number one in March 1971.

Moz DA: 53 Moz Rank: 4.9 Semrush Rank: 892,456 Facebook ♡: 4,553
Categories: Public Information, Reference
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Samtök atvinnulífsins
Samtök atvinnulífsins eru í forystu um samkeppnishæft rekstrarumhverfi sem stuðlar að arðbæru fjölbreyttu og ábyrgu atvinnulífi sem bætir lífskjör allra.
Woman's draped garment of Indian Subcontinent. A sari (sometimes also saree or shari) is a women's garment from the Indian subcontinent, that consists of an un-stitched stretch of woven fabric arranged over the body as a robe, with one end attached to the waist, while the other end rests over one shoulder as a stole (shawl), sometimes baring a part of the midriff. It may vary from 4.1 to 8.2 metres (4.5 to 9 yards) in length, and 60 to 120 centimetres (24 to 47 inches) in breadth, and is form of ethnic wear in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. There are various names and styles of sari manufacture and draping, the most common being the Nivi style. The sari is worn with a fitted bodice also called a choli (ravike or kuppasa in southern India, and cholo in Nepal) and a petticoat called ghagra, parkar, or ul-pavadai. It remains fashionable in the Indian Subcontinent today.

Facebook ♡: 6
Categories: Business, Business
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Útlendingastofnun afgreiðir umsóknir um dvalarleyfi, íslenskan ríkisborgararétt, alþjóðlega vernd og vegabréfsáritanir. Hjá stofnuninni eru einnig teknar ákvarðanir varðandi heimild útlendinga til dvalar á landinu, gefin út ferðaskilríki fyrir flóttamenn og vegabréf fyrir útlendinga.
Topics referred to by the same term. UTL may refer to: Technical University of Lisbon An acronym for "unable to locate", commonly used in North American police reports in conjunction with "GOA" ("gone on arrival") when someone mentioned by a caller cannot be found when officers reach the scene.

Facebook ♡: 115
Categories: Public Information, General Organizations
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Stjrnarráðið | Úrskurðir og álit
Úrskurðir og álit úrskurðanefnda og ráðuneyta.

Facebook ♡: 1
Categories: Blogs/Wiki, Business
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Fréttir -
Innlendar og erlendar fréttir, viðskiptafréttir, íþróttafréttir og fréttir af frægu fólki. -- Icelandic news and more
Icelandic newspaper. Morgunblaðið (Icelandic pronunciation: ​[ˈmɔrkʏnˌplaːðɪθ], The Morning Paper) is an Icelandic newspaper. Morgunblaðið's website,, is the most popular website in Iceland.

Moz DA: 70 Moz Rank: 5.4 Semrush Rank: 56,189 Facebook ♡: 16,736
Categories: General News, News and Media
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Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Business, Government and Legal Organizations
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DV - Frjáls og háður miðill
Frjáls og óháður miðill
Icelandic newspaper. DV (Dagblaðið Vísir) is an online newspaper in Iceland published by Torg ehf. It came into existence as a daily newspaper in 1981 when two formerly independent newspapers, Vísir and Dagblaðið, merged.Early on it was one of the largest newspapers in Iceland and at one point had a 64% readership in Iceland. In the 1990s its readership started to dwindle and in 2003 its publisher was declared bankrupt. It was resurrected a week later by the publisher of Fréttablaðið. In 2006 it was changed from a daily newspaper into a weekly one.

Semrush Rank: 368,454 Facebook ♡: 2,308
Categories: Entertainment, News and Media
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Moz DA: 30 Moz Rank: 3 Semrush Rank: 3,737,571 Facebook ♡: 11
Categories: Society, Society/Politics, Regional/Europe, Non-Profit/Advocacy/NGO, General Organizations
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Creditinfo - Lánstraust
Creditinfo er leiðandi fyrirtæki í miðlun fjárhags- og viðskiptaupplýsinga auk þess að bjóða upp á fjölbreytta fjölmiðlaþjónustu.

Facebook ♡: 15
Categories: Business, Finance and Banking
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Akureyrarkaupstaður leggur áherslu á að veita einstaklingum og fjölskyldum fyrirmyndar búsetuaðstæður og faglega þjónustu. Sérstök áhersla er lögð á góða l
Municipality in Northeastern Region, Iceland. Akureyri ([ˈaːkʏrˌeiːrɪ], locally [ˈaːkʰʏrˌeiːrɪ] (listen)) is a town in northern Iceland. It is Iceland's fifth-largest municipality, after Reykjavík, Hafnarfjörður, Reykjanesbær and Kópavogur, and the largest town outside Iceland's more populated southwest corner. Nicknamed the "Capital of North Iceland", Akureyri is an important port and fishing centre. The area where Akureyri is located was settled in the 9th century, but did not receive a municipal charter until 1786. Allied units were based in the town during World War II. Further growth occurred after the war as the Icelandic population increasingly moved to urban areas.

Facebook ♡: 39
Categories: Public Information, Education
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Lifðu núna - Vefrit um lífið eftir miðjan aldur
Markmið Lifðu núna, er að gera líf og störf þeirra landsmanna sem eru komnir um og yfir miðjan aldur sýnilegri en þau eru, auka umræðu um þau málefni sem tengjast þessu æviskeiði og lífsgæði þeirra sem eru komnir á þennan aldur.

Semrush Rank: 2,975,094 Facebook ♡: 1,015
Categories: Public Information, News and Media
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Kvennaráðgjöfin - Forsíða
Kvennaráðgjöfin - Forsíða

Semrush Rank: 16,453,684
Categories: Finance and Banking
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Forsíða - Landspítali
Forsíða - Landspítali

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Public Information, Health and Wellness
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Moz DA: 52 Moz Rank: 4.6 Semrush Rank: 1,933,153 Facebook ♡: 105
Categories: Travel, Business
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Iceland Review - Iceland News - Community, Culture, Nature
The longest-running magazine about Iceland, first published in 1963. Features on Iceland’s nature, society and business as well as photographs.
Icelandic English-language magazine. Iceland Review is the oldest English-language magazine about Iceland, having originally been published in August 1963. It also runs a news website which covers current events in Iceland. Since 2009, the online version is offered in German as well. The Iceland Review magazine publishes reports on Icelandic society, politics, pop culture, music, art, literature, current events, as well as interviews with notable Icelanders, articles on traveling in Iceland, and photo essays on Iceland. The magazine is published on a bi-monthly basis.

Moz DA: 74 Moz Rank: 5.5 Semrush Rank: 172,634 Facebook ♡: 71
Categories: General News, News and Media
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Sjvá - Gerum tryggingar betri
Gerum tryggingar betri. | Sjóvá er þjónustufyrirtæki í fremstu röð og efst tryggingafélaga í ánægju viðskiptavina hér á landi. Við bjóðum viðskiptavinum okkar allar tegundir trygginga og framúrskarandi þjónustu.

Moz DA: 33 Moz Rank: 3.7 Semrush Rank: 9,059,129 Facebook ♡: 29
Categories: Business, Business
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Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Business, Business
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Eftirlitsstofnun Alþingis sem framkvæmir m.a. endurskoðun á ríkisreikningi, fjárhagsendurskoðun, stjórnsýsluúttektir og tekjueftirlit

Semrush Rank: 7,385,939
Categories: Business, Government and Legal Organizations
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Efling stéttarfélag - Barátta fyrir betra lífi
Barátta fyrir betra lífi

Facebook ♡: 7
Categories: Non-Profit/Advocacy/NGO, General Organizations
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Forsíða | Hafnarfjörður
Hlýleg, áreiðanleg og snjöll þjónusta á

Facebook ♡: 107
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Þekkingarmiðstöð Sjálfsbjargar

Semrush Rank: 7,425,771
Categories: Business
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Heilsuvera - Vefur fyrir almenning um heilsu og áhrifaşætti hennar | Heilsuvera
Heilsuvera er vefur fyrir almenning um heilsu og áhrifaþætti hennar. Inn á mínum síðum er öruggt vefsvæði þar sem hægt er að eiga í samskiptum við starfsfólk heilbrigðisþjónustunnar og nálgast gögn úr eigin sjúkraskrá.

Semrush Rank: 3,267,807
Categories: Health, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Nýsköpun á Íslandi
Nýsköpunargátt, upplýsingar um fjárfesta, styrki, styrkjadagatal og hjálpargögn fyrir frumkvöðla og nýsköpunarfyrirtæki.
Lithuanian football club. Futbolo klubas Kauno Žalgiris (Football club Kauno Žalgiris) is a professional football club based in Kaunas, Lithuania, that competes in the A lyga, the top tier of Lithuania. The club was founded as FM Spyris Kaunas in 2004, became the football section of basketball club Žalgiris Kaunas and moved to their current stadium, the Darius and Girėnas Stadium, in 2015. After their debut season in the A Lyga, the club adopted the name FK Kauno Žalgiris in 2016.

Facebook ♡: 534
Categories: General News, News and Media
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