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Stofnuð árið 2023 af Stundinni og Kjarnanum

Categories: Business, Information Technology
Topics: bláa lónið, borgun, kjarninn, útvarp saga, virðisaukaskattur 2015

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Political party in Iceland. The Left-Green Movement (Icelandic: Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð), officially the Left Movement – Green Candidature and also known by its short-form name Vinstri græn (VG), is an eco-socialist political party in Iceland.The Left-Green Movement is the third largest party in the Althing, with 8 members of 63 in total after the 2021 Icelandic parliamentary election. It is also the leading party in a three-party coalition government that has governed since the 2017 Icelandic parliamentary election. The party chair is Katrín Jakobsdóttir, a member of Parliament and the 28th prime minister of Iceland since 30 November 2017. The vice chairperson is Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson while the secretary-general of the party is Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir. The Left-Green Movement is a member of the Nordic Green Left Alliance.

Moz DA: 43 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 3,400,609 Facebook ♡: 42
Categories: Portal Sites, Finance and Banking
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RÚV | Forsíða
RÚV okkar allra
Icelandic public broadcaster. Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) (pronounced [ˈriːcɪsˌuːtvar̥pɪð] or [ˈruːv]) (English: 'The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service') is Iceland's national public-service broadcasting organization. Operating from studios in the country's capital, Reykjavík, as well as regional centres around the country, the service broadcasts an assortment of general programming to a wide national audience via three radio stations: Rás 1 and Rás 2, also available internationally; Rondó (only available via the Internet and digital radio); and one full-time television channel of the same name. There is also a supplementary, part-time TV channel, RÚV 2, which transmits live coverage of major cultural and sporting events, both domestic and foreign, as required.

Semrush Rank: 253,490 Facebook ♡: 14,021
Categories: General News, News and Media
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Stofnuð árið 2023 af Stundinni og Kjarnanum

Semrush Rank: 1,830,003
Categories: General News, News and Media
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DV - Frjáls og háður miðill
Frjáls og óháður miðill
Icelandic newspaper. DV (Dagblaðið Vísir) is an online newspaper in Iceland published by Torg ehf. It came into existence as a daily newspaper in 1981 when two formerly independent newspapers, Vísir and Dagblaðið, merged.Early on it was one of the largest newspapers in Iceland and at one point had a 64% readership in Iceland. In the 1990s its readership started to dwindle and in 2003 its publisher was declared bankrupt. It was resurrected a week later by the publisher of Fréttablaðið. In 2006 it was changed from a daily newspaper into a weekly one.

Semrush Rank: 368,454 Facebook ♡: 2,308
Categories: Entertainment, News and Media
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DV - Frjáls og háður miðill
Frjáls og óháður miðill

Semrush Rank: 2,592,305
Categories: Entertainment, News and Media
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Forsíða - Vísir
Á Vísi er hægt að lesa fréttir, skoða brot úr dagskrá Stöðvar 2, Bylgjunnar, FM957 og X977. Fréttir, sjónvarp, útvarp, fasteignir, atvinna, ...
Icelandic online newspaper. Ví is an Icelandic online newspaper. It was founded in 1998 by Frjáls fjölmiðlun ehf. And originally published news from the newspapers Dagblaðið Vísir, Viðskiptablaðið and Dagur. On 1 December 2017 it was bought by Fjarskipti hf. along with Stöð 2 and Bylgjan from 365 miðlar.According to Gallup, it was the second-most popular website in Iceland as of February 2021.

Moz DA: 68 Moz Rank: 5.4 Semrush Rank: 315,192 Facebook ♡: 10,247
Categories: Portal Sites, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Vefur Alþingis: Upplýsingar um þingmál, þingskjöl, þingmenn, nefndir, alþjóðamál og almennar upplýsingar um sögu og störf Alþingis. Einnig beinar útsendingar og upptökur frá þingfundum.
Supreme legislature of Iceland. The Alþingi (general meeting in Icelandic, [ˈalˌθiɲcɪ], anglicised as Althingi or Althing) is the supreme national parliament of Iceland. It is one of the oldest surviving parliaments in the world. The Althing was founded in 930 at Þingvellir ("thing fields" or "assembly fields"), situated approximately 45 kilometres (28 mi) east of what later became the country's capital, Reykjavík. Even after Iceland's union with Norway in 1262, the Althing still held its sessions at Þingvellir until 1800, when it was discontinued. It was restored in 1844 by royal decree and moved to Reykjavík.

Facebook ♡: 319
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Stjrnarráðið | Forsíða
Vefur Stjórnarráðs Íslands. Upplýsingar um ráðuneyti og verkefni þeirra auk frétta. Einnig upplýsingar um ríkisstjórn og fleira sem snertir Stjórnarráðið.

Semrush Rank: 738,811
Categories: Government/Military, Government and Legal Organizations
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Okkar markmið er að gera líf viðskiptavina okkar einfaldara með aðgengilegri þjónustu og góðri ráðgjöf.

Moz DA: 49 Moz Rank: 4.4 Semrush Rank: 871,919 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Fréttir -
Innlendar og erlendar fréttir, viðskiptafréttir, íþróttafréttir og fréttir af frægu fólki. -- Icelandic news and more
Icelandic newspaper. Morgunblaðið (Icelandic pronunciation: ​[ˈmɔrkʏnˌplaːðɪθ], The Morning Paper) is an Icelandic newspaper. Morgunblaðið's website,, is the most popular website in Iceland.

Moz DA: 70 Moz Rank: 5.4 Semrush Rank: 56,189 Facebook ♡: 16,736
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Forsíða - Nútíminn
Forsíða - Nútíminn

Facebook ♡: 62
Categories: General News, News and Media
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Pressan - DV
Frjáls og óháður miðill

Moz DA: 51 Moz Rank: 4.1 Facebook ♡: 167
Categories: General News, News and Media
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Íslensk dagskrárgerð og fréttir
Íslensk dagskrárgerð og fréttir

Semrush Rank: 49,232,954 Facebook ♡: 10,647
Categories: General News, Information Technology
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Bloggið - - stærsta bloggsamfélag Íslands. Hér fer þjóðfélagsumræðan fram.
Icelandic newspaper. Morgunblaðið (Icelandic pronunciation: ​[ˈmɔrkʏnˌplaːðɪθ], The Morning Paper) is an Icelandic newspaper. Morgunblaðið's website,, is the most popular website in Iceland.

Semrush Rank: 2,320,934 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Blogs/Wiki, Personal Websites and Blogs
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Góð þjónusta breytir öllu
Hvort sem það er rafrænt eða í persónu munum við ávallt setja viðskiptavini okkar í fyrsta sæti. Vertu velkomin í viðskipti.

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Notendur senda spurningar, vísindamenn svara. Hefur þig ekki alltaf langað að vita hvers vegna himinninn ER blár?
Public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland. The University of Iceland (Icelandic: Háskóli Íslands [ˈhauːˌskouːlɪ ˈistlan(t)s]) is a public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland and the country's oldest and largest institution of higher education. Founded in 1911, it has grown steadily from a small civil servants' school to a modern comprehensive university, providing instruction for about 14,000 students in twenty-five faculties. Teaching and research is conducted in social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, natural sciences, engineering and teacher education. It has a campus concentrated around Suðurgata street in central Reykjavík, with additional facilities located in nearby areas as well as in the countryside.

Moz DA: 45 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 2,507,110
Categories: Education/Reference, Education
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Arion banki - Þægileg alhliða bankaşjnusta fyrir fyrirtæki og einstaklinga
Arion banki er fjárhagslega sterkur banki sem veitir alhliða bankaþjónustu til fyrirtækja og einstaklinga. Fáðu á einfaldan hátt tilboð í þín bankaviðskipti

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld
Skatturinn annast álagningu skatta, tolla og annarra gjalda auk þess að viðhafa eftirlit með réttmæti skattskila. Jafnframt starfrækir stofnunin sérstaka einingu sem fer með rannsóknir skattsvika og annarra skattalagabrota.
. Rappal Sangameswaran Krishnan (23 September 1911 – 2 October 1999) was an Indian experimental physicist and scientist. He was the Head of the department of Physics at the Indian Institute of Science and the vice chancellor of the University of Kerala. He is known for his pioneering researches on colloid optics and a discovery which is now known as Krishnan Effect. He was a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy and the Institute of Physics, London and a recipient of the C. V. Raman Prize. 25 students were guided by RSKrishnan for Ph D. Dr T N Vasudevan was the 25th.

Facebook ♡: 52
Categories: Public Information, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Víkurfréttir - Víkurfréttir
. Víkurfréttir is the main newspaper of the Icelandic town of Keflavík. The newspaper was founded in Southern Peninsula in August 1980. In 1983, it was bought by the current owner, Páll Ketilsson. It is a weekly but was for a while published twice a week.

Moz DA: 37 Moz Rank: 4.4 Semrush Rank: 5,194,929 Facebook ♡: 46
Categories: General News, News and Media
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Stuðlar að virkri samkeppni almenningi til hagsbóta

Facebook ♡: 25
Categories: Public Information, Business
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Moz DA: 44 Moz Rank: 4 Semrush Rank: 5,577,027 Facebook ♡: 32
Categories: General News, News and Media
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Leita - Tí
Tí er stafrænt safn sem veitir aðgang að milljónum myndaðra blaðsíðna á stafrænu formi af þeim prentaða menningararfi sem varðveittur er í blöðum og tímaritum frá Færeyjum, Grænlandi og Íslandi.
. (also known as Tí, and is an open access digital library run by the National and University Library of Iceland which hosts digital editions of newspapers and magazines published in Iceland, Faroe Islands and Greenland as well as publications in their languages elsewhere, such as Canada which had a large influx of Icelanders in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The project was initially sponsored by the West Nordic Council and launched its web interface under the title VESTNORD in 2002. The web interface has since undergone two major revisions, in 2003 and 2008. With the last revision a decision was made to gradually convert images from the DjVu image format to the more common PDF. Hence, part of the collection can be viewed with the DjVu plugin and part with a PDF reader.The digital collection covers material from the 17th century to the early 21st century and offers users the ability to collect bookmarks on their free account for ease of use as well as do a text search on the majority of the collection. As of February 2009 there were more than 2,6 million images in the archive of which 2 million had been OCRed.Initially the aim was to limit access to newspapers published before 1930 to avoid questions of copyright but shortly afterwards the project made an agreement with Morgunblaðið to scan and publish issues which are three years old.

Facebook ♡: 138
Categories: Education/Reference, Reference
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Heim | Skemman
Heim | Skemman
. (est. 2007) is an online digital library of research publications in Iceland. The National and University Library of Iceland in Reykjavík currently operates the repository. It was overseen by the Teachers' Training College from 2006 to 2009. Contributors of content include the Agricultural University of Iceland, Bifröst University, Hólar University College, Iceland Academy of the Arts, National and University Library of Iceland, Reykjavik University, University of Akureyri, and University of Iceland.

Facebook ♡: 80
Categories: Education/Reference, Education
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða
Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða
National statistical service of Iceland. Statistics Iceland (Icelandic: Hagstofa Íslands) is the main official institute providing statistics on the nation of Iceland. It was created by the Althing in 1913, began operations in 1914 and became an independent government agency under the Prime Minister's Office on 1 January 2008.

Semrush Rank: 1,703,517 Facebook ♡: 27
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Forsíða | Reykjavik
Forsíða | Reykjavik
Capital and largest city of Iceland. Reykjavík ( RAYK-yə-vik, -⁠veek; Icelandic: [ˈreiːcaˌviːk] (listen)) is the capital and largest city of Iceland. It is located in southwestern Iceland, on the southern shore of Faxaflói bay. Its latitude is 64°08' N, making it the world's northernmost capital of a sovereign state. Reykjavík has a population of around 137,618 as of 2023 (and 233,034 in the Capital Region). Reykjavík had a population of 121,822 in 2015, meaning the population grows 1.62% annually.

Moz DA: 58 Moz Rank: 5.1 Semrush Rank: 415,553 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Seðlabanki Íslands
Markmið Seðlabanka Íslands er að stuðla að stöðugu verðlagi, fjármálastöðugleika og traustri og öruggri fjármálastarfsemi.
Monetary Authority of Iceland. The Central Bank of Iceland (Icelandic: Seðlabanki Íslands) is the central bank or reserve bank of Iceland. It has served in this capacity since 1961, when it was created by an act of the Alþingi out of the central banking department of Landsbanki Íslands, which had the sole right of note issuance since 1927 and had conducted only limited monetary policy. Seðlabanki Íslands is owned by the Icelandic government, and is administered by a governor and a seven-member supervisory board, elected by the country's parliament following each general election. It has the sole right to issue notes and coins of Icelandic krónur and to manage the state's foreign currency reserves. The Central Bank Act of 1986 eliminated the ability of the Central Bank to regulate the interest rates of commercial banks and savings banks.

Semrush Rank: 1,096,994 Facebook ♡: 121
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Samtök atvinnulífsins
Samtök atvinnulífsins eru í forystu um samkeppnishæft rekstrarumhverfi sem stuðlar að arðbæru fjölbreyttu og ábyrgu atvinnulífi sem bætir lífskjör allra.
Woman's draped garment of Indian Subcontinent. A sari (sometimes also saree or shari) is a women's garment from the Indian subcontinent, that consists of an un-stitched stretch of woven fabric arranged over the body as a robe, with one end attached to the waist, while the other end rests over one shoulder as a stole (shawl), sometimes baring a part of the midriff. It may vary from 4.1 to 8.2 metres (4.5 to 9 yards) in length, and 60 to 120 centimetres (24 to 47 inches) in breadth, and is form of ethnic wear in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. There are various names and styles of sari manufacture and draping, the most common being the Nivi style. The sari is worn with a fitted bodice also called a choli (ravike or kuppasa in southern India, and cholo in Nepal) and a petticoat called ghagra, parkar, or ul-pavadai. It remains fashionable in the Indian Subcontinent today.

Facebook ♡: 6
Categories: Business, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
mið - Stjrnmál | Mannlíf | Efnahagsmál
Stjórnmál | Mannlíf | Efnahagsmál

Semrush Rank: 7,652,000
Categories: General News, Society and Lifestyles
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Home - Frettatiminn
Home - Frettatiminn

Categories: Marketing/Merchandising, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Lífeyrismá er lifandi vefur um lífeyrismál í víðum skilningi; aðgengilegar upplýsingar, fréttir og áhugaverðar greinar eða viðtöl við fólk í leik og st

Semrush Rank: 4,545,379 Facebook ♡: 1,242
Categories: Finance/Banking, Information Technology
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Forlagið bkabúð
Forlagið bkabúð

Moz DA: 42 Moz Rank: 4.3 Semrush Rank: 2,373,424 Facebook ♡: 356
Categories: Online Shopping, Shopping
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Alşýðusamband Íslands
Alþýðusamband Íslands er stærsta fjöldahreyfing launafólks á landinu. ASÍ er samband 46 stéttarfélaga á almennum vinnumarkaði.
Genus of reptiles (fossil). Asilisaurus ( ah-SEE-lee-SOR-əs); from Swahili, asili ("ancestor" or "foundation"), and Greek, σαυρος (sauros, "lizard") is an extinct genus of silesaurid archosaur. The type species is Asilisaurus kongwe. Asilisaurus fossils were uncovered in the Manda Beds of Tanzania and date back to the early Carnian, making it one of the oldest known members of the Avemetatarsalia (animals on the dinosaur/pterosaur side of the archosaurian family tree). It was the first non-dinosaurian dinosauriform recovered from Africa. The discovery of Asilisaurus has provided evidence for a rapid diversification of avemetatarsalians during the Middle Triassic, with the diversification of archosaurs during this time previously only documented in pseudosuchians (crocodylian-line archosaurs).Asilisaurus is known from a relatively large amount of fossils compared to most non-dinosaur dinosauromorphs.

Facebook ♡: 90
Categories: Public Information, News and Media
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Keldan er vefsíða með öllum upplýsingum um fjármálamarkaðinn á Íslandi í dag.

Semrush Rank: 1,852,703 Facebook ♡: 86
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga
Sambandið vinnur að eflingu samstarfs íslenskra sveitarfélaga og að hvers konar hagsmunamálum þeirra. Verulegur hluti starfseminnar felst í hagsmunagæslu fyrir sveitarfélögin gagnvart ríkisvaldinu og öðrum innlendum og erlendum aðilum.
. Federation of Icelandic Cooperative Societies (Icelandic: Samband íslenskra samvinnufélaga) (SIS) was an Icelandic coordinator in Icelandic cooperatives. It was established on 20 February 1902 by three local cooperatives in Þingey County, but evolved into a national forum for cooperation in the field of exports and imports and to achieve favorable contracts abroad. In 1917, the institution moved its headquarters from Akureyri to Reykjavik and became "one of the largest commercial enterprises in Iceland". Its ship department was founded in 1946 and saw competition with Eimskip. After falling into financial hardships in the 1980s, it was closed in 1992, due to the debt with its creditors.

Facebook ♡: 26
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Nýjar og notaðar vörur, kauptu og seldu á Bland
Bland er stærsta sölu- og markaðstorg Íslands á netinu og hefur verið það um árabil. Hægt er að kaupa og selja allt milli himins og jarðar á sölutorgi Blands. Á er líka umræðuvefur sem er bæði stór og líflegur. Þar má líka finna stærsta heimsíðusvæði Íslands fyrir börn (Barnaland) , dýr (Dýraland) og sölusíður.
City in Missouri, United States. Bland is a city in Gasconade and Osage counties in the U.S. state of Missouri. The population was 506 at the 2020 census.The Osage County portion of Bland is part of the Jefferson City, Missouri Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Moz DA: 35 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 1,036,327 Facebook ♡: 2,872
Categories: Auctions/Classifieds, Society and Lifestyles
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Forums - Málefnin
Forums - Málefnin

Categories: Forum/Bulletin Boards, Information Technology
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Embætti landlæknis
Hlutverk embættis landlæknis er að stuðla að heilbrigði landsmanna, meðal annars með góðri og öruggri heilbrigðisþjónustu, heilsueflingu og öflugum forvörnum.

Moz DA: 54 Moz Rank: 4.4 Semrush Rank: 32,668,501 Facebook ♡: 35
Categories: Public Information, Health and Wellness
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Mannlí | Beittur og lifandi fréttavefur
Mannlíf er beittur og lifandi fjölmiðill og hefur fest sig í sessi sem einn mest lesni netmiðill landsins.

Semrush Rank: 5,838,667
Categories: Entertainment, Business
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Fljótlegasta leiðin til að tengjast fólki og fyrirtækjum á Íslandi.
American singer (1943–1970). Janis Lyn Joplin (January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970) was an American singer. One of the most successful and widely known rock stars of her era, she was noted for her powerful mezzo-soprano vocals and "electric" stage presence.In 1967, Joplin rose to fame following an appearance at Monterey Pop Festival, where she was the lead singer of the then little-known San Francisco psychedelic rock band Big Brother and the Holding Company. After releasing two albums with the band, she left Big Brother to continue as a solo artist with her own backing groups, first the Kozmic Blues Band and then the Full Tilt Boogie Band. She appeared at the Woodstock festival and on the Festival Express train tour. Five singles by Joplin reached the Billboard Hot 100, including a cover of the Kris Kristofferson song "Me and Bobby McGee", which reached number one in March 1971.

Moz DA: 53 Moz Rank: 4.9 Semrush Rank: 892,456 Facebook ♡: 4,553
Categories: Public Information, Reference
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Í er upplýsinga- og þjónustuveita opinberra aðila á Íslandi. Þar getur fólk og fyrirtæki fengið upplýsingar og notið margvíslegrar þjónustu hjá opinberum aðilum á einum stað í gegnum eina gátt.
National statistical service of Iceland. Statistics Iceland (Icelandic: Hagstofa Íslands) is the main official institute providing statistics on the nation of Iceland. It was created by the Althing in 1913, began operations in 1914 and became an independent government agency under the Prime Minister's Office on 1 January 2008.

Moz DA: 58 Moz Rank: 5 Semrush Rank: 667,730 Facebook ♡: 54
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Forsíða — Á
Áttavitinn er upplýsingagátt miðuð að ungu fólki á aldrinum 16-25 ára. Á síðunni má finna hagnýtan fróðleik sem viðkemur hinum ýmsu sviðum lífsins.

Semrush Rank: 1,301,145 Facebook ♡: 637
Categories: Public Information, Society and Lifestyles
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Samtök iðnaðarins
Við erum málsvari iðnaðar á Íslandi og við höfum áhrif á starfsskilyrði fyrirtækja. Saman stöndum við sterkari.
Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis (1856–1939). Sigmund Freud ( FROYD, German: [ˈziːkmʊnt ˈfʁɔʏt]; born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies seen as originating from conflicts in the psyche, through dialogue between patient and psychoanalyst, and the distinctive theory of mind and human agency derived from it.Freud was born to Galician Jewish parents in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austrian Empire. He qualified as a doctor of medicine in 1881 at the University of Vienna. Upon completing his habilitation in 1885 he was appointed a docent in neuropathology and became an affiliated professor in 1902. Freud lived and worked in Vienna having set up his clinical practice there in 1886. Following the German annexation of Austria in March 1938, Freud left Austria to escape Nazi persecution.

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Business, Business
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Forsíða - Fararheill
Forsíða - Fararheill

Semrush Rank: 4,502,672
Categories: Travel, Travel
Similar? Yes 0 No 0  

Moz DA: 23 Moz Rank: 3.7 Semrush Rank: 3,220,492 Facebook ♡: 7
Categories: Online Shopping, Information Technology
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Bæjarins Besta | Vestfirskar fréttir
Vestfirskar fréttir
Broadband service operated by Sky. Sky Broadband is a broadband service offered by Sky UK in the United Kingdom. With the introduction of Sky Fibre, Sky Broadband now refers to ADSL broadband products.

Categories: Business, News and Media
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Moz DA: 53 Moz Rank: 4.2 Semrush Rank: 1,516,800
Categories: Travel, Government and Legal Organizations
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Félag íslenskra bifreiðaeigenda
Félag íslenskra bifreiðaeigenda

Moz DA: 34 Moz Rank: 3.4 Semrush Rank: 8,047,108 Facebook ♡: 235
Categories: Travel, Personal Vehicles
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Íbúðalánasjður | Íbúðalánasjður
Íbúðalánasjóður er sjálfstæð stofnun í eigu ríkisins sem veitir einstaklingum, sveitarfélögum, félögum og félagasamtökum húsnæðislán til íbúðarkaupa og byggingarframkvæmda.

Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn - Forsíða | Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn
Frelsi til að skapa þína framtíðSkráning í flokkinnStefnumálGrunngildi Sjálfstæðisflokksins eru frelsi og trú á einstaklinginnEignarréttur, réttur til frelsis og jafnréttis eru frumréttindi sérhvers einstaklings þar sem enginn einstaklingur er fæddur til neinna réttinda umfram aðra. Heill þjóðfélags

Semrush Rank: 3,171,805 Facebook ♡: 14,499
Categories: Politics/Opinion, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Nútíminn
Eitt það mikilvægasta sem við gerum á hverjum degi er ótrúlegt en satt að sofa – en það er ekki hvernig við komum flest fram við svefn. Hér eru 12 skrítnar ástæður fyrir því að þú ert ekki að ná góðum nætursvefn – og ráðleggingar sem tryggja að þú sofir vel héðan í frá: 12. […]
Anabaptist groups originating in Western Europe. Mennonites are groups of Anabaptist Christian church communities of denominations. The name is derived from the founder of the movement, Menno Simons (1496–1561) of Friesland. Through his writings about Reformed Christianity during the Radical Reformation, Simons articulated and formalized the teachings of earlier Swiss founders, with the early teachings of the Mennonites founded on the belief in both the mission and ministry of Jesus, which the original Anabaptist followers held with great conviction, despite persecution by various Roman Catholic and Mainline Protestant states. Formal Mennonite beliefs were codified in the Dordrecht Confession of Faith in 1632, which affirmed "the baptism of believers only, the washing of the feet as a symbol of servanthood, church discipline, the shunning of the excommunicated, the non-swearing of oaths, marriage within the same church", strict pacifistic physical nonresistance, anti-Catholicism and in general, more emphasis on "true Christianity" involving "being Christian and obeying Christ" however they interpret it from the Holy Bible.The majority of the early Mennonite followers, rather than fighting, survived by fleeing to neighboring states where ruling families were tolerant of their belief in believer's baptism. Over the years, Mennonites have become known as one of the historic peace churches, due to their commitment to pacifism.Congregations worldwide embody the full scope of Mennonite practice, from Old Order Mennonites (who practice a lifestyle without certain elements of modern technology) to Conservative Mennonites (who hold to traditional theological distinctives, wear plain dress and use modern conveniences) to mainline Mennonites (those who are indistinguishable in dress and appearance from the general population).

Facebook ♡: 176
Categories: Entertainment, Society and Lifestyles
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Moz DA: 25 Moz Rank: 2.7 Facebook ♡: 5
Categories: Business, News and Media
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1819 miðlar
Upplýsingar um fyrirtæki, einstaklinga, kortavef, símaskrá og margt fleira. Þjónustuver & leit upplýsinga í síma 1819.
1819 establishment of Singapore as a trading port of British settlement. The signing of the Treaty of Singapore on 6 February 1819 is officially recognised as the founding of Singapore. The Treaty allowed the British East India Company to open up a trading post in Singapore, marking the beginning of a British settlement. And because Singapore was also a major trading port in ancient times, it is often referred to as the founding of modern Singapore to reflect this fact and the long history of Singapore actually stretches way back.The government of the Republic of Singapore has twice held major commemorative events to mark the 150th and 200th anniversaries of 6 February 1819 as Singapore's modern founding. The colonial government also did so in the past.But there has been disagreement about what 6 February 1819 represents and means for Singapore. Some are critical about it while others with more positive views.

Semrush Rank: 1,286,746 Facebook ♡: 427
Categories: Recreation/Travel, Regional/Europe, News/Media Industry, Business, Business
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Forsíða - Landspítali
Forsíða - Landspítali

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Public Information, Health and Wellness
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Semrush Rank: 2,822,379 Facebook ♡: 532
Categories: Health, News and Media
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Heim | Þjðskrá
Þjóðskrá annast skráningu einstaklinga og sér um daglegan rekstur og vinnslu þjóðskrár. Stofnunin gefur út vegabréf, nafnskírteini og ýmis vottorð.
. Registers Iceland (Icelandic: Þjóðskrá Íslands) is the main official civil registry for the nation of Iceland. It was formed in 2010 with the merger of Þjóðskrá and Fasteignaskrá Íslands.

Facebook ♡: 79
Categories: Business, Business
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Persnuvernd - Þínar upplýsingar, şitt einkalíf.
Persónuvernd hefur eftirlit með því að farið sé að lögum og öðrum reglum um vinnslu persónuupplýsinga og að bætt sé úr annmörkum og mistökum.

Moz DA: 39 Moz Rank: 3.9 Semrush Rank: 5,306,977 Facebook ♡: 4
Categories: Business, Government and Legal Organizations
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Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands
Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands
Topics referred to by the same term. FME may refer to:

Moz DA: 37 Moz Rank: 3.6 Semrush Rank: 5,835,893 Facebook ♡: 13
Categories: Finance/Banking, Government and Legal Organizations
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Rafhlaðan - Forsíða
Rafhlaðan - Forsíða

Facebook ♡: 10
Categories: Education/Reference, Education
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Forsíða er íslenskur umræðuvefur þar sem notendur geta sent inn margskonar efni á þau fjölmörgu áhugamál sem í boði eru.

Moz DA: 48 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 2,698,173 Facebook ♡: 34
Categories: Portal Sites, Games
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VR stéttarfélag - VR stéttarfélag
VR stéttarfélag
Ancient Indian legendary heroes. The Vrishni heroes (IAST: Vṛṣṇi Viras), also referred to as Pancha-viras (IAST: Pañca vīras, "Five heroes"), are a group of five legendary, deified heroes who are found in the literature and archaeological sites of ancient India. Their earliest worship is attestable in the clan of the Vrishnis near Mathura by 4th-century BCE. Legends are associated with these deified heroes, some of which may be based on real, historical heroes of the Vrishni clan. Their early worship has been variously described as cross-sectarian, much like the cult of the Yakshas, related to the early Bhagavata tradition of Hinduism, and with possible links to Jainism as well. They and their legends – particularly of Krishna and Balarama – have been an important part of the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism.The Vrishnis were already known in the late Vedic literature. They are also mentioned by Pāṇini in Astadhyayi verse 6.2.34, while Krishna is referred to as Krishna Varshneya ("the Vrishni") in verse 3.187.51 of the Mahabharata.

Moz DA: 34 Moz Rank: 3.8 Semrush Rank: 9,886,275 Facebook ♡: 87
Categories: Business, General Organizations
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Túristi - Fréttir úr ferðageiranum og innblástur fyrir næsta ferðalag.
Fáðu meira út úr fríinu

Moz DA: 36 Moz Rank: 3.2 Semrush Rank: 1,604,137 Facebook ♡: 1,212
Categories: Society/Organizations, Science/Environment, News, Travel, Travel
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Forsíða | Arnastofnun
Forsíða | Arnastofnun

Moz DA: 49 Moz Rank: 4.6 Semrush Rank: 2,393,266 Facebook ♡: 43
Categories: Education/Reference, Education
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Forsíða - Knattspyrnusamband Íslands
Vefsvæði knattspyrnusambands Íslands
Association football governing body in Iceland. The Football Association of Iceland (Icelandic: Knattspyrnusamband Íslands, KSÍ) is the governing body of football in Iceland. It was founded on 26 March 1947, joined FIFA the same year, and UEFA in 1954. It organises the football league, Úrvalsdeild, and the Iceland men's national football team and Iceland women's national football team. It is based in Reykjavík.

Facebook ♡: 56
Categories: Sports, Sports
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Tryggingar og góð þjónusta · Þar sem tryggingar snúast um fólk · VÍS
VÍS býður upp á fjölbreyttar tryggingar og góða þjónustu fyrir einstaklinga og fyrirtæki. Fáðu tilboð í tryggingar.
One of the most popular schools of the Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy. Vishishtadvaita (IAST Viśiṣṭādvaita; Sanskrit: विशिष्टाद्वैत), is a highly regarded school of Hindu philosophy belonging to the Vedanta tradition. Vedanta refers to the profound interpretation of the Vedas based on Prasthanatrayi. Vishishta Advaita, meaning "non-duality with distinctions", is a non-dualistic philosophy that recognizes Brahman as the supreme reality while also acknowledging its multiplicity. This philosophy can be characterized as a form of qualified monism, attributive monism, or qualified non-dualism. It upholds the belief that all diversity ultimately stems from a fundamental underlying unity.

Facebook ♡: 10
Categories: Finance/Banking, Business
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Forsíða - Frjálsíşrttasamband Íslands
MeistaramótÍslands á Selfossi Næstu mót [motaskra] Átak Allir út að hlaupa í sumar Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-
scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Átakið er í boði WorldClass og Nike Nánar um átakið

Moz DA: 33 Moz Rank: 3.4 Semrush Rank: 34,739,675
Categories: Sports, Sports
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Íslensk leitarvél, símaskrá, fyrirtækjaskrá og fréttir auðvelda þér að finna það sem þú leitar að hratt og örugglega. býður upp á fullbúna leitarvél, fyrirtækjaskrá, símaskrá, tenglasafn og samansafn af fréttaveitum landsins.
Icelandic search engine. an Icelandic internet search engine developed by the corporation DCG ehf. It is available both in an Icelandic and an English version and was launched on June 16, 1999. It was originally developed by NovaMedia based on Infoseek but today DCG ehf hosts and develops the search engine.

Facebook ♡: 60
Categories: Portal Sites, Search Engines and Portals
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Í er upplýsinga- og þjónustuveita opinberra aðila á Íslandi. Þar getur fólk og fyrirtæki fengið upplýsingar og notið margvíslegrar þjónustu hjá opinberum aðilum á einum stað í gegnum eina gátt.

Moz DA: 38 Moz Rank: 3.7 Semrush Rank: 4,253,142
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Bændablaðið - Bændablaðið

Semrush Rank: 5,421,291
Categories: Blogs/Wiki, Society and Lifestyles
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Ferskur á netinu - Ferskur á netinu

Moz DA: 26 Moz Rank: 3.4 Semrush Rank: 6,842,125 Facebook ♡: 80
Categories: Entertainment, News and Media
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Forsíða - Útvarp Saga
Bandaríkjastjórn reynir að eyða umræðu um Nordstream Bandaríkjastjórn sem staðfastlega hefur neitað að hafa átt þátt í að sprengja upp Nordstream leiðslun þrátt fyrir sterkar …13. February 2023Erlent, Fréttir Bandaríkjastjórn reynir að eyða umræðu um Nordstream Bandaríkjastjórn sem staðfastlega hefur neitað að …13. February 2023Erlent, FréttirUppljóstrunin um hver sprengdi Nord Stream „svo kröftug að hún

Moz DA: 23 Moz Rank: 4.2 Semrush Rank: 35,975,812 Facebook ♡: 497
Categories: Entertainment, Internet Radio and TV
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Séð og heyrt | Mannlí
Séð og heyrt | Mannlí

Categories: Entertainment, Society and Lifestyles
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Lífeyrissjður verzlunarmanna
Eigðu góð efri ár með Lífeyrissjóði verzlunarmanna.
Song by Austrian rock band Opus. "Live Is Life" is a 1984 song by Austrian pop rock band Opus. It was released as the first single from their first live album, Live Is Life (1984), and was also included on the US version of their fourth studio album, Up and Down (1984). The song was a European number-one hit in the summer of 1985, and also reached number one in Canada and the top 40 in the US in 1986. It has been covered by many artists.

Semrush Rank: 9,361,438 Facebook ♡: 16
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Karolina Fund
Karolina Fund

Categories: Business, Streaming Media and Download
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Viðskiptaráð Íslands
Viðskiptaráð Íslands

Moz DA: 34 Moz Rank: 3.4 Semrush Rank: 8,261,950
Categories: Stock Trading, Business
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