Similar sites like - Byggingafræðingafélag Íslands - Byggingafræðingafélag Íslands

Categories: Non-Profit/Advocacy/NGO, General Organizations
Topics: byggingafræðingafélag íslands,

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Eyjafréttir | Fréttir úr Eyjum
Eyjafréttir | Fréttir úr Eyjum

Facebook ♡: 46
Categories: Sports, News and Media
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Forsíða | Félag vélstjóra og málmtæknimanna
Forsíða | Félag vélstjra og málmtæknimanna

Semrush Rank: 10,034,545
Categories: General Organizations
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Verkfræðingafélag Íslands
VFÍ stendur vörð um og styrkir stöðu verkfræðinga og tæknifræðinga á Íslandi.

Moz DA: 20 Moz Rank: 3 Semrush Rank: 9,687,078 Facebook ♡: 8
Categories: Education/Reference, General Organizations
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Iðan - IÐAN fræðslusetur - Símenntun í iðnaði
IÐAN fræðslusetur ehf. varð til við samruna fjögurra fræðslumiðstöðva í iðnaði og ferðaþjónustu vorið 2006. Um áramótin 2006/2007 bættist síðan Fræðslumiðstöð bílgreina í hópinn. Eigendur IÐUNNAR eru: Samtök iðnaðarins, Samiðn, MATVÍS, Grafía, FIT, VM, Bílgreinasambandið, Samtök ferðaþjónustunnar og Meistarafélag húsasmiða.

Moz DA: 30 Moz Rank: 3.5 Semrush Rank: 23,440,752
Categories: Education/Reference, Business
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Tí | Flögutímataka með MyLaps/ChampionChips græjum
Tí | Flögutímataka með MyLaps/ChampionChips græjum

Semrush Rank: 12,652,289
Categories: Business, Business
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Faxaflahafnir / Reykjavík harbour | Vefsvæði Faxaflahafna
Faxaflahafnir / Reykjavík harbour | Vefsvæði Faxaflahafna

Semrush Rank: 7,235,757
Categories: Business
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Rafiðnaðarsamband Íslands
Hér eru upplýsingar um kaup og kjör félaga eins og t.d. orlofsrétt, lágmarkslaun, frítökurétt, vinnutímastyttingu, bakvaktir, útkall og fréttir af kjaraviðræðum.Margskonar styrkir eru í boði fyrir félaga eins og t.d. líkamsræktarstyrkur, gleraugnastyrkur, sjúkraþjálfun, menntastyrkir o.fl.Viltu leigja orlofshús eða íbúð?Eignir um allt land og á nokkrum stöðum erlendis standa félögum til boða.Á
Israeli politician. Rafael "Rafi" Suissa (Hebrew: רפאל "רפי" סוויסה, born 5 January 1935) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for the Alignment between 1981 and 1984, and as mayor of Mazkeret Batya on three occasions. He is currently a member of Mazkeret Batya local council.

Moz DA: 23 Moz Rank: 3.4 Semrush Rank: 6,908,175 Facebook ♡: 3
Categories: Public Information, Business
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Alşýðusamband Íslands
Alþýðusamband Íslands er stærsta fjöldahreyfing launafólks á landinu. ASÍ er samband 46 stéttarfélaga á almennum vinnumarkaði.
Genus of reptiles (fossil). Asilisaurus ( ah-SEE-lee-SOR-əs); from Swahili, asili ("ancestor" or "foundation"), and Greek, σαυρος (sauros, "lizard") is an extinct genus of silesaurid archosaur. The type species is Asilisaurus kongwe. Asilisaurus fossils were uncovered in the Manda Beds of Tanzania and date back to the early Carnian, making it one of the oldest known members of the Avemetatarsalia (animals on the dinosaur/pterosaur side of the archosaurian family tree). It was the first non-dinosaurian dinosauriform recovered from Africa. The discovery of Asilisaurus has provided evidence for a rapid diversification of avemetatarsalians during the Middle Triassic, with the diversification of archosaurs during this time previously only documented in pseudosuchians (crocodylian-line archosaurs).Asilisaurus is known from a relatively large amount of fossils compared to most non-dinosaur dinosauromorphs.

Facebook ♡: 90
Categories: Public Information, News and Media
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Moz DA: 36 Moz Rank: 3.8 Semrush Rank: 3,017,410 Facebook ♡: 48
Categories: Public Information, Travel
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - upplýsinga- og fréttamiðill um Vestmannaeyjar - upplýsinga- og fréttamiðill um Vestmannaeyjar

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   byggir á samvirku gagnasafni og inniheldur leyfilegar upplýsingar um látna einstaklinga og legstað þeirra í kirkjugörðum á Íslandi.

Categories: Public Information, Society and Lifestyles
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Miðstöð upplýsinga og frðleiks fyrir alla şá sem stunda hlaup |
Hlaup á Íslandi, Maraþon á Íslandi, Fróðleikur um hlaup, Hlaupadagskrá, Skráningar í hlaup

Running in Iceland, Trail Running in Iceland, Street Running in Iceland, Marathon in Iceland, 10 km running in Iceland, 5 km Running in Iceland, Half marathon in Iceland, Race calendar in Iceland, Registration in Races in Iceland

Facebook ♡: 148
Categories: Sports, Sports
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Samtök atvinnulífsins
Samtök atvinnulífsins eru í forystu um samkeppnishæft rekstrarumhverfi sem stuðlar að arðbæru fjölbreyttu og ábyrgu atvinnulífi sem bætir lífskjör allra.
Woman's draped garment of Indian Subcontinent. A sari (sometimes also saree or shari) is a women's garment from the Indian subcontinent, that consists of an un-stitched stretch of woven fabric arranged over the body as a robe, with one end attached to the waist, while the other end rests over one shoulder as a stole (shawl), sometimes baring a part of the midriff. It may vary from 4.1 to 8.2 metres (4.5 to 9 yards) in length, and 60 to 120 centimetres (24 to 47 inches) in breadth, and is form of ethnic wear in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. There are various names and styles of sari manufacture and draping, the most common being the Nivi style. The sari is worn with a fitted bodice also called a choli (ravike or kuppasa in southern India, and cholo in Nepal) and a petticoat called ghagra, parkar, or ul-pavadai. It remains fashionable in the Indian Subcontinent today.

Facebook ♡: 6
Categories: Business, Business
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Forsíða | KR
Forsíða | KR
Major deity in Hinduism. Krishna (; IAST: Kṛṣṇa [ˈkr̩ʂɳɐ]) is a major deity in Hinduism. The name comes from a Sanskrit word (कृष्ण, kṛṣṇa) that means "black", "dark", "dark blue" or “the all attractive”. He is worshipped as the eighth avatar of Vishnu and also as the Supreme god in his own right. He is the god of protection, compassion, tenderness, and love; and is one of the most popular and widely revered among Indian divinities. Krishna's birthday is celebrated every year by Hindus on Krishna Janmashtami according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar, which falls in late August or early September of the Gregorian calendar.The anecdotes and narratives of Krishna's life are generally titled as Krishna Leela.

Categories: Sports, Sports
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Stjrnarráðið | Úrskurðir og álit
Úrskurðir og álit úrskurðanefnda og ráðuneyta.

Facebook ♡: 1
Categories: Blogs/Wiki, Business
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Samtök iðnaðarins
Við erum málsvari iðnaðar á Íslandi og við höfum áhrif á starfsskilyrði fyrirtækja. Saman stöndum við sterkari.
Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis (1856–1939). Sigmund Freud ( FROYD, German: [ˈziːkmʊnt ˈfʁɔʏt]; born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies seen as originating from conflicts in the psyche, through dialogue between patient and psychoanalyst, and the distinctive theory of mind and human agency derived from it.Freud was born to Galician Jewish parents in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austrian Empire. He qualified as a doctor of medicine in 1881 at the University of Vienna. Upon completing his habilitation in 1885 he was appointed a docent in neuropathology and became an affiliated professor in 1902. Freud lived and worked in Vienna having set up his clinical practice there in 1886. Following the German annexation of Austria in March 1938, Freud left Austria to escape Nazi persecution.

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Categories: Business, Business
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