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nd.Aktuell - Journalismus von links

Nachrichten aus Politik, Inland, Ausland, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur und Feuilleton aus linker Sicht.
German newspaper. Neues Deutschland (nd; English: New Germany, sometimes stylized in lowercase letters) is a left-wing German daily newspaper, headquartered in Berlin. For 43 years it was the official party newspaper of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), which governed East Germany (officially known as the German Democratic Republic), and as such served as one of the party's most important organs. It originally had a Stalinist political stance; it retained a Marxist–Leninist stance until German reunification in 1990. The Neues Deutschland that existed in East Germany had a circulation of 1.1 million as of 1989 and was the communist party's main way to show citizens its stances and opinions about politics, economics, etc. It was regarded by foreign countries as the communist regime's diplomatic voice.
Categories: General News, News and Media
Topics: e-paper, gesellschaft, journalismus von links, kultur, meinung, nd.aktuell, politik, ratgeber, sport, tageszeitung

Semrush Rank: 3,242,049 Facebook ♡: 224 Reviews

Sites similar to - Top 38 alternatives           
nd.Aktuell - Journalismus von links
Nachrichten aus Politik, Inland, Ausland, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur und Feuilleton aus linker Sicht.

Moz DA: 39 Moz Rank: 3.5 Facebook ♡: 263
Categories: General News, Government and Legal Organizations
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Start - Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag
Start - Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag

Moz DA: 57 Moz Rank: 4.7 Semrush Rank: 7,934,882 Facebook ♡: 485
Categories: Politics/Opinion, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
junge Welt - die linke Tageszeitung
Die junge Welt ist eine linke, marxistisch orientierte, überregionale Tageszeitung mit einem hohen Anteil an Hintergrundberichten und umfassenden Analysen
Left-wing German daily newspaper. Junge Welt (English: Young World, stylized in its logo as junge Welt) is a German daily newspaper, published in Berlin. The jW describes itself as a left-wing and Marxist newspaper. German authorities categorize it as a far-left medium hostile to the constitutional order.

Moz DA: 64 Moz Rank: 5.2 Semrush Rank: 3,191,054 Facebook ♡: 386
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
nd.Aktuell - Journalismus von links
Nachrichten aus Politik, Inland, Ausland, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur und Feuilleton aus linker Sicht.
German newspaper. Neues Deutschland (nd; English: New Germany, sometimes stylized in lowercase letters) is a left-wing German daily newspaper, headquartered in Berlin. For 43 years it was the official party newspaper of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), which governed East Germany (officially known as the German Democratic Republic), and as such served as one of the party's most important organs. It originally had a Stalinist political stance; it retained a Marxist–Leninist stance until German reunification in 1990. The Neues Deutschland that existed in East Germany had a circulation of 1.1 million as of 1989 and was the communist party's main way to show citizens its stances and opinions about politics, economics, etc. It was regarded by foreign countries as the communist regime's diplomatic voice.

Moz DA: 64 Moz Rank: 5.2 Semrush Rank: 25,112,080 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Startseite » LabourNet Germany
2 Gewerkschaftsführer des Gewerkschaftsbundes BKDP und der Vorsitzende der SPB in Belarus am 19. April verhaftet – nach Kritik am Einmarsch Russlands in der Ukraine „Die Repressionen gegen die freien Gewerkschaften in Belarus sind ernsthaft eskaliert. Heute, am 19. April, wurde die Führung des Gewerkschaftsbundes Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Union (BKDP) verhaftet: Präsident Aliaksandr...

Facebook ♡: 58
Categories: Non-Profit/Advocacy/NGO, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
RLS - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Informationen zu aktuellen Veranstaltungen der Linkspartei-nahen Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen. Hinweise auf Aktivitäten der Stiftung.

Moz DA: 59 Moz Rank: 5.1 Semrush Rank: 1,013,185 Facebook ♡: 107
Categories: Education/Reference, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Startseite | Brandenburgische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Wir fördern demokratisches Engagement in Brandenburg. Unser Angebot: Bücher, Veranstaltungen, Ausstellungen, Projektförderung und mehr. Jetzt informieren.

Moz DA: 45 Moz Rank: 3.6 Semrush Rank: 4,857,509 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Science/Social Sciences, Society, World/Deutsch, Education/Reference, Education
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Aktuell
Die »Jungle World« ist eine überregionale linke Wochenzeitung aus Berlin. Am Kiosk, im Briefkasten oder online.
German weekly newspaper. Jungle World is a left-wing German weekly newspaper published in Berlin. Initially founded in 1997 by striking editors of the German left-wing daily Junge Welt, it became independent after only a few issues. Today, it is published by the Jungle World Verlags GmbH in the names of over thirty current and former authors, editors, and staff as well as friends of the newspaper. Jungle World is known for its anti-nationalist and cosmopolitan positions reflect those of the "undogmatic left" in Germany. The articles are published in the weekly's online edition in the days after publication.

Semrush Rank: 1,602,270
Categories: General News, General Organizations
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der Freitag — Die Wochenzeitung für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur
Die Wochenzeitung für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur
German weekly newspaper. Der Freitag (English: The Friday, stylized in its logo as der Freitag) is a German weekly newspaper established in 1990. It is published in Rhenish format. The place of publication is Berlin. Its publisher and editor-in-chief is Jakob Augstein.

Semrush Rank: 3,697,536 Facebook ♡: 4,395
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
DIE LINKE ist die Partei für soziale Gerechtigkeit.
German political party. The Left (German: Die Linke; stylised in all caps and in its logo as DIE LiNKE.), commonly referred to as the Left Party (German: Die Linkspartei [diː ˈlɪŋkspaʁˌtaɪ] (listen)), is a democratic socialist political party in Germany. The party was founded in 2007 as the result of the merger of the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and Labour and Social Justice – The Electoral Alternative. Through the PDS, the party is the direct descendant of the Marxist–Leninist ruling party of the former East Germany, the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. Since 2022, The Left's co-chairpersons have been Janine Wissler and Martin Schirdewan. The party holds 39 seats out of 736 in the Bundestag, the federal legislature of Germany, having won 4.9% of votes cast in the 2021 German federal election.

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Politics/Opinion, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   -
Kritischer, unabhängiger Journalismus der linken Nachrichtenseite taz: Analysen, Hintergründe, Kommentare, Interviews, Reportagen. Genossenschaft seit 1992.
German daily newspaper. Die Tageszeitung (German: [diː ˈtaːɡəsˌtsaɪtʊŋ], “The Daily Newspaper”), stylized as die tageszeitung and commonly referred to as taz, is a cooperative-owned German daily newspaper administrated by its employees and a co-operative of shareholders who invest in a free independent press, rather than to depend on advertising and, these days, pay-walls. Founded in 1978 in Berlin as part of an independent, progressive and politically left-leaning movement, it has focused on current politics, social issues such as inequality, ecological crises both local and international, and other topics not covered by the more traditional and conservative newspapers. It mostly supports the alternative green political sphere and the German Green Party, but Die Tageszeitung has also been critical of the SPD/Greens coalition government (1998–2005). It is counted as being one of modern Germany's most important newspapers and amongst the top seven. It is being described as alternative-left and critical of existing current structures (systemkritisch).The newspaper's logo, a paw print, derives from the similarity of the name "taz" to a German word for paw, Tatze.

Moz DA: 84 Moz Rank: 6.4 Facebook ♡: 39,474
Categories: News/Media Industry, News/Journalism, Science/Social Sciences, General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Belltower.News - Netz für digitale Zivilgesellschaft
Netz für digitale Zivilgesellschaft

Semrush Rank: 1,738,264
Categories: Politics/Opinion, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur
Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur

Semrush Rank: 5,042,498 Facebook ♡: 2,205
Categories: Business, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Die Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen ist die Fraktion von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Deutschen Bundestag.

Moz DA: 59 Moz Rank: 5 Semrush Rank: 7,567,183 Facebook ♡: 270
Categories: Politics/Opinion, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
AIB Homepage | Antifa Infoblatt
AIB Homepage | Antifa Infoblatt

Moz DA: 38 Moz Rank: 4 Semrush Rank: 19,211,247
Categories: Politics/Opinion, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Startseite der »Blätter« | Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
Startseite der »Blätter« | Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Education/Reference, News and Media
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ARD Audiothek · Die besten Podcasts der ARD und des Deutschlandradios
Ob Hörspiel, Wissen, Dokumentation oder Comedy – entdecken Sie die Podcast-Vielfalt der ARD und des Deutschlandradios. Täglich neue Episoden & Empfehlungen.

Semrush Rank: 1,715,901
Categories: General News, Internet Radio and TV
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Aktuell: DIE LINKE. Kreisverband Teltow-Fläming
Willkommen bei der LINKEN Teltow-Fläming!
Herzlich willkommen auf der Internetseite des Kreisverbandes Teltow-Fläming der Partei DIE LINKE.
Mehrere hundert Parteimitglieder haben bei uns ihre politische Heimat und sind in einer Vielzahl von Basisorganisationen, Orts-, Stadt- sowie Regionalverbänden organisiert. Unseren Kreisverband...

Categories: Politics/Opinion, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   | Flagge zeigen
Nachrichten und Service für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Moz DA: 66 Moz Rank: 5.2 Semrush Rank: 3,630,191 Facebook ♡: 12
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Nachrichten aus Berlin und Brandenburg | rbb24
rbb|24 ist das multimediale Nachrichtenportal für Berlin und Brandenburg. Nachrichten und Hintergrundberichte zu allen wichtigen Themen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Sport und Panorama.

Semrush Rank: 1,720,538
Categories: General News, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Startseite | rbb24 Inforadio
Jederzeit umfassend informiert über das Geschehen in Berlin und Brandenburg, Deutschland und der Welt. Live-Hören per mp3, auch für mobile Anwendungen. Aktuelle Interviews, Reportagen, Berichte, Meinungen, Programmhinweise, Programm-Archiv, ...

Semrush Rank: 4,347,491 Facebook ♡: 82
Categories: Entertainment, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Mehr als du glaubst | liefert einen evangelischen Blick auf die Welt und Service rund um die evangelische Kirche.

Moz DA: 62 Moz Rank: 5.3 Semrush Rank: 5,322,537 Facebook ♡: 136
Categories: Major Global Religions, Global Religion
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
LINKE Politik für Brandenburg.

Categories: Politics/Opinion, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Cicero Online - Magazin für politische Kultur
Cicero Online ist ein Magazin für politische Kultur im Internet. Wir bieten Ihnen herausragende Autoren und Debatten zu aktuellen Themen.
Dialogue by Cicero, 55BCE. De Oratore (On the Orator; not to be confused with Orator) is a dialogue written by Cicero in 55 BC. It is set in 91 BC, when Lucius Licinius Crassus dies, just before the Social War and the civil war between Marius and Sulla, during which Marcus Antonius (orator), the other great orator of this dialogue, dies. During this year, the author faces a difficult political situation: after his return from exile in Dyrrachium (modern Albania), his house was destroyed by the gangs of Clodius in a time when violence was common. This was intertwined with the street politics of Rome.Amidst the moral and political decadence of the state, Cicero wrote De Oratore to describe the ideal orator and imagine him as a moral guide of the state. He did not intend De Oratore as merely a treatise on rhetoric, but went beyond mere technique to make several references to philosophical principles. Cicero believed that the power of persuasion—the ability to verbally manipulate opinion in crucial political decisions—was a key issue and that in the hands of an unprincipled orator, this power would endanger the entire community.

Semrush Rank: 1,462,590 Facebook ♡: 6,866
Categories: Society/Politics, Regional/Europe, Science/Publications, General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Magazin über Migration und Rassismus in Deutschland MiGAZIN
Einwanderung, Integration, Rassismus - das Fachmagazin über Migration in Deutschland. Aktuell · Seriös · Informativ · Kritisch · Meinungsstark.

Semrush Rank: 7,339,248 Facebook ♡: 929
Categories: General News, Government and Legal Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   | Weil Transparenz Vertrauen schafft
Mit meiner Dauerspende für möchte ich für mehr Transparenz im Regierungs- und Verwaltungsapparat sorgen - damit nichts im Verborgenen geschieht, was in die Öffentlichkeit gehört. (Carin Schomann)
. Parliamentwatch ( is an Internet portal that allows German citizens to question their representatives in the German parliament (the Bundestag) publicly. The independent, nonpartisan site aims to increase transparency in government and deepen German democracy. Questions and answers are published, as well as the voting records of the deputies. Users of the site can contact representatives of the Bundestag, German deputies of the European Parliament and of the German federal states. is a non-profit project of Parlamentwatch e.V. and Parlamentwatch GmbH (technical service provider for Parlamentwatch e.V.) in cooperation with Mehr Demokratie e.V. and Mehr Bürgerrechte e.V. and is supported by BonVenture - Fonds und Stiftung für Soziale Verantwortung.

Moz DA: 61 Moz Rank: 5.3 Semrush Rank: 5,431,440 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Politics/Opinion, Reference
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Startseite - Volksverpetzer
Eine Plattform für kritische, ehrliche und ethisch aufmerksame Berichterstattung und Meinungsbildung. Wir sind stets offen für Artikeleinsendungen.

Semrush Rank: 17,636,194 Facebook ♡: 9,946
Categories: News/Journalism, Computers/Internet/On the Web, Regional/Europe, Politics/Opinion, Personal Websites and Blogs
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Tagesspiegel-Nachrichten aus Potsdam und Brandenburg
Hier finden Sie aktuelle Nachrichten aus Potsdam und Brandenburg, Reportagen aus der Region sowie Ausflugstipps für die Landeshauptstadt Brandenburgs.
. The Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten (also known as the PNN) is a regional, daily newspaper published by the Dieter von Holtzbrinck Medien GmbH for the area in and around the state capital of Brandenburg, Potsdam in Germany.

Semrush Rank: 12,526,613 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: General News, Reference
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Report-K ist die Internetzeitung für Köln, Deutschland und die Welt
Report-K ist die Internetzeitung aus Köln und berichtet aus Köln, NRW, Deutschland und der Welt an 7 Tagen die Woche und 24 Stunden.

Moz DA: 54 Moz Rank: 4.7 Semrush Rank: 25,774,311 Facebook ♡: 2,266
Categories: Portal Sites, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
B.Z. - Die Stimme Berlins
Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Berlin und Brandenburg: Top-News, 24h-Ticker, Hauptstadt-Sport, Kultur, Leute, Lifestyle, Ratgeber, Deutschland und Welt-News.
German newspaper. B.Z. is a German tabloid newspaper published in Berlin by Ullstein-Verlag, a subsidiary of Axel Springer AG. As of 2010, it has a circulation of around 200,000.B.Z. is not to be confused with the Berliner Zeitung, which has been published since 1945 and is often also informally known as B.Z. in the former East Germany, or with the evening tabloid formerly known as BZ am Abend, now the Berliner Kurier.

Semrush Rank: 847,592 Facebook ♡: 22,761
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Das führende Medium zur Europapolitik
Das führende Medium zur Europapolitik

Facebook ♡: 134
Categories: Portal Sites, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Übermedien | Medien besser kritisieren
Medien besser kritisieren.

Semrush Rank: 4,624,892
Categories: Entertainment, Business
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Märkische Onlinezeitung - das Nachrichtenportal für Brandenburg - | MMH
Lesen Sie aktuelle Nachrichten aus Brandenburg, Berlin, Deutschland und der Welt auf
. mozDex was a project to build an Internet-scale search engine with free and open source software (FOSS) technologies like Nutch. Since its search algorithms and code were open, it was hoped that no search results could be manipulated by either mozDex as a company or anyone else. As such, instead of having to trust mozDex to be fair, it puts the trust on the community of users through the same "peer review" process that is believed to enhance security of free software like Linux. mozDex aimed to make it easy and encourage building upon this open search technology to extend it with various additional potentially useful search related features. Some of the latest features added or announced by mozDex included social bookmarking via free skimpy service, "did you mean" spell checking, anti-spam technology and instant crawl.As an open search engine, mozDex relied heavily on community feedback and actively solicited user opinions as well as encouraged discussions about various aspects of mozDex's growth.In 2006, mozDex aimed to add around 15 million pages a day in order to reach the goal of more than 4 billion pages indexed at the end of 2006.

Semrush Rank: 1,218,756 Facebook ♡: 18,471
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Berliner Zeitung - Für Berliner, von Berlinern
Berliner Zeitung - Unabhängige Nachrichten und Hintergründe aus Berlin und der Welt
German daily newspaper. The Berliner Zeitung (German: [bɛʁˈliːnɐ ˈtsaɪtʊŋ], Berlin Newspaper) is a daily newspaper based in Berlin, Germany. Founded in East Germany in 1945, it is the only East German paper to achieve national prominence since reunification. It is published by Berliner Verlag.

Semrush Rank: 470,473 Facebook ♡: 6,395
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
MAZ - Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
Aktuelle Nachrichten und Informationen aus Potsdam, der Region und Brandenburg sowie aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Unterhaltung und Ratgeber.

Semrush Rank: 686,890 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: General News, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Startseite - Deutschlandfunk Kultur |
Startseite - Deutschlandfunk Kultur |

Semrush Rank: 342,229
Categories: General News, Internet Radio and TV
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
vorwärts | Zeitung der deutschen Sozialdemokratie seit 1876
Der vorwärts ist die Zeitung der deutschen Sozialdemokratie, seit 1876. Online-Portal für wichtige Debatten, aktuelle Nachrichten und Informationen aus der SPD.

Facebook ♡: 230
Categories: Politics/Opinion, Political Organizations
Similar? Yes 0 No 0           
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
German regional daily newspaper. The Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Central German Newspaper) is a regional daily newspaper for southern Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Published in Halle with several local versions, the paper is owned by M. DuMont Schauberg, Cologne.

Semrush Rank: 2,402,912
Categories: General News, News and Media
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