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Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða

Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða
National statistical service of Iceland. Statistics Iceland (Icelandic: Hagstofa Íslands) is the main official institute providing statistics on the nation of Iceland. It was created by the Althing in 1913, began operations in 1914 and became an independent government agency under the Prime Minister's Office on 1 January 2008.
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
Topics: hagsk�rsluger�, hagsk�rslur, hagstofa íslands, hagstofa �slands, hagt��indi, hagt�lur, hagv�sar, landshagir, mannfj�ldi, t�lfr��i, vinnumarka�ur

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Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða
Hagstofa Íslands - Forsíða

Facebook ♡: 14
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Heim | Þjðskrá
Þjóðskrá annast skráningu einstaklinga og sér um daglegan rekstur og vinnslu þjóðskrár. Stofnunin gefur út vegabréf, nafnskírteini og ýmis vottorð.
. Registers Iceland (Icelandic: Þjóðskrá Íslands) is the main official civil registry for the nation of Iceland. It was formed in 2010 with the merger of Þjóðskrá and Fasteignaskrá Íslands.

Facebook ♡: 79
Categories: Business, Business
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Statistics Iceland - Frontpage
Statistics Iceland - Frontpage

Moz DA: 55 Moz Rank: 4.8 Semrush Rank: 401,784 Facebook ♡: 27
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Seðlabanki Íslands
Markmið Seðlabanka Íslands er að stuðla að stöðugu verðlagi, fjármálastöðugleika og traustri og öruggri fjármálastarfsemi.
Monetary Authority of Iceland. The Central Bank of Iceland (Icelandic: Seðlabanki Íslands) is the central bank or reserve bank of Iceland. It has served in this capacity since 1961, when it was created by an act of the Alþingi out of the central banking department of Landsbanki Íslands, which had the sole right of note issuance since 1927 and had conducted only limited monetary policy. Seðlabanki Íslands is owned by the Icelandic government, and is administered by a governor and a seven-member supervisory board, elected by the country's parliament following each general election. It has the sole right to issue notes and coins of Icelandic krónur and to manage the state's foreign currency reserves. The Central Bank Act of 1986 eliminated the ability of the Central Bank to regulate the interest rates of commercial banks and savings banks.

Semrush Rank: 1,096,994 Facebook ♡: 121
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Samtök atvinnulífsins
Samtök atvinnulífsins eru í forystu um samkeppnishæft rekstrarumhverfi sem stuðlar að arðbæru fjölbreyttu og ábyrgu atvinnulífi sem bætir lífskjör allra.
Woman's draped garment of Indian Subcontinent. A sari (sometimes also saree or shari) is a women's garment from the Indian subcontinent, that consists of an un-stitched stretch of woven fabric arranged over the body as a robe, with one end attached to the waist, while the other end rests over one shoulder as a stole (shawl), sometimes baring a part of the midriff. It may vary from 4.1 to 8.2 metres (4.5 to 9 yards) in length, and 60 to 120 centimetres (24 to 47 inches) in breadth, and is form of ethnic wear in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. There are various names and styles of sari manufacture and draping, the most common being the Nivi style. The sari is worn with a fitted bodice also called a choli (ravike or kuppasa in southern India, and cholo in Nepal) and a petticoat called ghagra, parkar, or ul-pavadai. It remains fashionable in the Indian Subcontinent today.

Facebook ♡: 6
Categories: Business, Business
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Velkomin á heimasíðu Byggðastofnunar. Hér finnur þú upplýsingar um stofnunina.

Semrush Rank: 9,553,759 Facebook ♡: 3
Categories: Business
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Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga
Sambandið vinnur að eflingu samstarfs íslenskra sveitarfélaga og að hvers konar hagsmunamálum þeirra. Verulegur hluti starfseminnar felst í hagsmunagæslu fyrir sveitarfélögin gagnvart ríkisvaldinu og öðrum innlendum og erlendum aðilum.
. Federation of Icelandic Cooperative Societies (Icelandic: Samband íslenskra samvinnufélaga) (SIS) was an Icelandic coordinator in Icelandic cooperatives. It was established on 20 February 1902 by three local cooperatives in Þingey County, but evolved into a national forum for cooperation in the field of exports and imports and to achieve favorable contracts abroad. In 1917, the institution moved its headquarters from Akureyri to Reykjavik and became "one of the largest commercial enterprises in Iceland". Its ship department was founded in 1946 and saw competition with Eimskip. After falling into financial hardships in the 1980s, it was closed in 1992, due to the debt with its creditors.

Facebook ♡: 26
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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VR stéttarfélag - VR stéttarfélag
VR stéttarfélag
Ancient Indian legendary heroes. The Vrishni heroes (IAST: Vṛṣṇi Viras), also referred to as Pancha-viras (IAST: Pañca vīras, "Five heroes"), are a group of five legendary, deified heroes who are found in the literature and archaeological sites of ancient India. Their earliest worship is attestable in the clan of the Vrishnis near Mathura by 4th-century BCE. Legends are associated with these deified heroes, some of which may be based on real, historical heroes of the Vrishni clan. Their early worship has been variously described as cross-sectarian, much like the cult of the Yakshas, related to the early Bhagavata tradition of Hinduism, and with possible links to Jainism as well. They and their legends – particularly of Krishna and Balarama – have been an important part of the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism.The Vrishnis were already known in the late Vedic literature. They are also mentioned by Pāṇini in Astadhyayi verse 6.2.34, while Krishna is referred to as Krishna Varshneya ("the Vrishni") in verse 3.187.51 of the Mahabharata.

Moz DA: 34 Moz Rank: 3.8 Semrush Rank: 9,886,275 Facebook ♡: 87
Categories: Business, General Organizations
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Góð þjónusta breytir öllu
Hvort sem það er rafrænt eða í persónu munum við ávallt setja viðskiptavini okkar í fyrsta sæti. Vertu velkomin í viðskipti.

Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Stofnuð árið 2023 af Stundinni og Kjarnanum

Facebook ♡: 1,686
Categories: Business, Information Technology
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Stjrnarráðið | Forsíða
Vefur Stjórnarráðs Íslands. Upplýsingar um ráðuneyti og verkefni þeirra auk frétta. Einnig upplýsingar um ríkisstjórn og fleira sem snertir Stjórnarráðið.

Semrush Rank: 738,811
Categories: Government/Military, Government and Legal Organizations
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Okkar markmið er að gera líf viðskiptavina okkar einfaldara með aðgengilegri þjónustu og góðri ráðgjöf.

Moz DA: 49 Moz Rank: 4.4 Semrush Rank: 871,919 Facebook ♡: 0
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Alşýðusamband Íslands
Alþýðusamband Íslands er stærsta fjöldahreyfing launafólks á landinu. ASÍ er samband 46 stéttarfélaga á almennum vinnumarkaði.
Genus of reptiles (fossil). Asilisaurus ( ah-SEE-lee-SOR-əs); from Swahili, asili ("ancestor" or "foundation"), and Greek, σαυρος (sauros, "lizard") is an extinct genus of silesaurid archosaur. The type species is Asilisaurus kongwe. Asilisaurus fossils were uncovered in the Manda Beds of Tanzania and date back to the early Carnian, making it one of the oldest known members of the Avemetatarsalia (animals on the dinosaur/pterosaur side of the archosaurian family tree). It was the first non-dinosaurian dinosauriform recovered from Africa. The discovery of Asilisaurus has provided evidence for a rapid diversification of avemetatarsalians during the Middle Triassic, with the diversification of archosaurs during this time previously only documented in pseudosuchians (crocodylian-line archosaurs).Asilisaurus is known from a relatively large amount of fossils compared to most non-dinosaur dinosauromorphs.

Facebook ♡: 90
Categories: Public Information, News and Media
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   er upplýsingaveita fyrir nýbakaða, núverandi, verðandi og tilvonandi foreldra. Þjónustan samanstendur af nokkrum þáttum eins og er en fleiri þjónustuþættir eru á teikniborðinu. Nær öll íslensk nöfn eru aðgengileg í sérstakri leitarvél hér á vefnum sem aðstoðar foreldra í leitinni að góðu nafni fyrir nýjasta fjölskyldumeðliminn. Hér er einnig að finna samansafn upplýsinga um þroskaferli fósturs á þeim 38 vikum sem það tekur að komast í þennan heim. Öryggi barnsins er tekið fyrir sérstaklega og margt fleira.

Semrush Rank: 8,689,572
Categories: Society and Lifestyles
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Moz DA: 53 Moz Rank: 4.2 Semrush Rank: 1,516,800
Categories: Travel, Government and Legal Organizations
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Arion banki - Þægileg alhliða bankaşjnusta fyrir fyrirtæki og einstaklinga
Arion banki er fjárhagslega sterkur banki sem veitir alhliða bankaþjónustu til fyrirtækja og einstaklinga. Fáðu á einfaldan hátt tilboð í þín bankaviðskipti

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Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Vefur Alþingis: Upplýsingar um þingmál, þingskjöl, þingmenn, nefndir, alþjóðamál og almennar upplýsingar um sögu og störf Alþingis. Einnig beinar útsendingar og upptökur frá þingfundum.
Supreme legislature of Iceland. The Alþingi (general meeting in Icelandic, [ˈalˌθiɲcɪ], anglicised as Althingi or Althing) is the supreme national parliament of Iceland. It is one of the oldest surviving parliaments in the world. The Althing was founded in 930 at Þingvellir ("thing fields" or "assembly fields"), situated approximately 45 kilometres (28 mi) east of what later became the country's capital, Reykjavík. Even after Iceland's union with Norway in 1262, the Althing still held its sessions at Þingvellir until 1800, when it was discontinued. It was restored in 1844 by royal decree and moved to Reykjavík.

Facebook ♡: 319
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Gallup á Íslandi
Gallup á Íslandi
. Gallops Island, also known as Gallups Island, is an island in the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area. It is situated between Georges Island and Long Island, and is just over 6 miles (9.7 km) from downtown Boston. The island has a permanent size of 23 acres (93,000 m2), plus an intertidal zone of a further 28 acres (110,000 m2), and is composed of one large drumlin, reaching an elevation of 79 feet (24 m) above sea level. The island has a rocky beach and offers long vistas from the top of its grassy bluffs. Gallops Island is closed until asbestos remediation is completed.The island is named after John Gallop, one of Boston Harbor's first pilots, who lived on the island.

Moz DA: 32 Moz Rank: 3.4 Semrush Rank: 14,034,634 Facebook ♡: 509
Categories: Business, Business
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kosningasaga – Upplýsingasíða um kosningar á Íslandi
Upplýsingasíða um kosningar á Íslandi

Semrush Rank: 13,462,044
Categories: Blogs/Wiki, Personal Websites and Blogs
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Forsíða | Vinnumálastofnun
Forsíða | Vinnumálastofnun

Moz DA: 37 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 6,390,258 Facebook ♡: 21
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Creditinfo - Lánstraust
Creditinfo er leiðandi fyrirtæki í miðlun fjárhags- og viðskiptaupplýsinga auk þess að bjóða upp á fjölbreytta fjölmiðlaþjónustu.

Facebook ♡: 15
Categories: Business, Finance and Banking
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Political party in Iceland. The Left-Green Movement (Icelandic: Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð), officially the Left Movement – Green Candidature and also known by its short-form name Vinstri græn (VG), is an eco-socialist political party in Iceland.The Left-Green Movement is the third largest party in the Althing, with 8 members of 63 in total after the 2021 Icelandic parliamentary election. It is also the leading party in a three-party coalition government that has governed since the 2017 Icelandic parliamentary election. The party chair is Katrín Jakobsdóttir, a member of Parliament and the 28th prime minister of Iceland since 30 November 2017. The vice chairperson is Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson while the secretary-general of the party is Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir. The Left-Green Movement is a member of the Nordic Green Left Alliance.

Moz DA: 43 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 3,400,609 Facebook ♡: 42
Categories: Portal Sites, Finance and Banking
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Eftirlitsstofnun Alþingis sem framkvæmir m.a. endurskoðun á ríkisreikningi, fjárhagsendurskoðun, stjórnsýsluúttektir og tekjueftirlit

Semrush Rank: 7,385,939
Categories: Business, Government and Legal Organizations
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Notendur senda spurningar, vísindamenn svara. Hefur þig ekki alltaf langað að vita hvers vegna himinninn ER blár?
Public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland. The University of Iceland (Icelandic: Háskóli Íslands [ˈhauːˌskouːlɪ ˈistlan(t)s]) is a public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland and the country's oldest and largest institution of higher education. Founded in 1911, it has grown steadily from a small civil servants' school to a modern comprehensive university, providing instruction for about 14,000 students in twenty-five faculties. Teaching and research is conducted in social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, natural sciences, engineering and teacher education. It has a campus concentrated around Suðurgata street in central Reykjavík, with additional facilities located in nearby areas as well as in the countryside.

Moz DA: 45 Moz Rank: 4.5 Semrush Rank: 2,507,110
Categories: Education/Reference, Education
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Rafhlaðan - Forsíða
Rafhlaðan - Forsíða

Facebook ♡: 10
Categories: Education/Reference, Education
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Home - Fjölmenningarsetur
Website of the Multicultural Information Centre. Here you find information about everyday life and administration in Iceland. We provide support regarding moving to and from Iceland.
Scottish footballer, manager, and pundit. Alistair Murdoch McCoist, (; born 24 September 1962) is a Scottish former footballer who has since worked as a manager and TV pundit. McCoist began his playing career with Scottish club St Johnstone before moving to English side Sunderland in 1981. He returned to Scotland two years later and signed with Rangers. McCoist had a highly successful spell with Rangers, becoming the club's record goalscorer and winning nine successive league championships between 1988–89 and 1996–97. He later played for Kilmarnock.

Moz DA: 39 Moz Rank: 3.7 Semrush Rank: 9,001,009 Facebook ♡: 16
Categories: Public Information, Business
Similar? Yes 0 No 0   - Allt um Microsoft Excel - Allt um Microsoft Excel

Semrush Rank: 9,154,194
Categories: Education/Reference, Business
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Góð þjónusta breytir öllu
Hvort sem það er rafrænt eða í persónu munum við ávallt setja viðskiptavini okkar í fyrsta sæti. Vertu velkomin í viðskipti.

Moz DA: 18 Moz Rank: 2.7 Facebook ♡: 5
Categories: Finance/Banking, Finance and Banking
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Í er upplýsinga- og þjónustuveita opinberra aðila á Íslandi. Þar getur fólk og fyrirtæki fengið upplýsingar og notið margvíslegrar þjónustu hjá opinberum aðilum á einum stað í gegnum eina gátt.
National statistical service of Iceland. Statistics Iceland (Icelandic: Hagstofa Íslands) is the main official institute providing statistics on the nation of Iceland. It was created by the Althing in 1913, began operations in 1914 and became an independent government agency under the Prime Minister's Office on 1 January 2008.

Moz DA: 58 Moz Rank: 5 Semrush Rank: 667,730 Facebook ♡: 54
Categories: Public Information, Government and Legal Organizations
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Stjórnarráðið | Kosningar | Sveitarstjrnarkosningar | Kosningavefur innanríkisráðuneytisins

Facebook ♡: 9
Categories: Government/Military, Government and Legal Organizations
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Kortavelta RSV, vísitölur & tölfræði um verslun | Rannsknasetur verslunarinnar
Allar upplýsingar um þróun og framtíðarhorfur fyrir íslenska verslun á einum stað. Rannsóknasetur verslunarinnar RSV er leiðandi aðili á Íslandi í greiningum og tölfræðivinnslu fyrir verslun og tengdar atvinnugreinar. RSV fylgist með þróun og breytingum er varða verslun og neysluhegðun.

Semrush Rank: 57,189,927
Categories: Business
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Forsíða — Á
Áttavitinn er upplýsingagátt miðuð að ungu fólki á aldrinum 16-25 ára. Á síðunni má finna hagnýtan fróðleik sem viðkemur hinum ýmsu sviðum lífsins.

Semrush Rank: 1,301,145 Facebook ♡: 637
Categories: Public Information, Society and Lifestyles
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Stjrnarráðið | Úrskurðir og álit
Úrskurðir og álit úrskurðanefnda og ráðuneyta.

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Categories: Blogs/Wiki, Business
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